Unesa .ac.id Surabaya - The rapid advancement of information and communication technology demands the world of education to continue to develop towards adjustment in order to be able to answer all problems. All aspects of the implementation of education must be digitalized or computerized in accordance with the times. Through technology everything can be easier faster and more effective. Surabaya State University (Unesa) as one of the State Universities (PTN) which has around one thousand Lecturers appreciates and continues to make innovations that can support the implementation of learning and teaching on campus to be more effective. As a form of this commitment the Unesa LP3M Learning Development Center and the E-Learning team launched "Vinesa & rdquo; as the development of V-Learning that has been carried out since 2015. With the existence of Vinesa (V-Learning Unesa) the lecture learning and teaching process can be carried out online. The advantage of Vinesa compared to the old V-Learning is that Vinesa makes it easier for Lecturers when conducting online lectures because they do not need to update course material every semester because Vinesa can be accessed and implemented every semester / year. If V-Learning still uses moodle 2.9 then Vinesa already uses moodle 3.6 with the latest software and hardware and is more integrated with Unesa Academic Information System (SIAKAD).
Vice Chancellor for Academic Unesa Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto said that the 2019/2020 Odd semester target there were already 200 courses at Unesa that would implement Vinesa. With Vinesa is a form of implementation of technology-based education 4.0 where all educational activities will be helped by technology. "Technology requires individuals to adapt in order to pass the process well and the results will be better" stressed Prof. Bambang when opening the workshop and launching of Vinesa in the auditorium of the Unesa Lidah Wetan LP3M building (07/05/2019). Meanwhile Alim Sumarno M.Pd who was one of the speakers in the workshop emphasized that why the old V-learning that had existed before was now developed into Vinesa because with Vinesa courses could be used every year. What is different is the students. Lecturers do not have to make V-learning every semester. In terms of design vines are also fresher because the arrangement is more modern. One of the participants in the workshop Galih Wahyu Pradana M.Si welcomed the launch of Vinesa. "Hopefully the learning process can be more effective and innovative" explained the Lecturer in the Department of State Administration.
Launching vinesa.ac.id at the same time became a series of activities with a workshop on Content Development Online Courses. Some speakers in the activity which was attended by about 70 Unesa lecturers were Alim Sumarno M.Pd Dr. Made Pramono Rahadian Bisma M.Kom and Setia Candra Wibawa M.Kom. (Vin/HumasUnesa)
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