Surabaya State University (UNESA) Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya SURABAYA—The leadership of Surabaya State University (UNESA) ensures that there will be no increase in single tuition fees or student UKT in 2024. This has been UNESA's commitment since it became PTNBH (Legal Entity State University).
UNESA Chancellor Prof. . Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes or who is familiarly called Cak Hasan, said that the 'Home of Champions' campus does not want to burden students and adheres to the principle that regional sons and daughters, whatever their economic conditions, can receive higher education at UNESA.
" "Our commitment is to provide quality education services to the nation's young generation. So, there will be no increase in student UKT because we know that our economic condition has just recovered from the pandemic plus the uncertain global economy," he said Because it does not increase the UKT and is no longer completely dependent on the government, the 'Home of Champions' campus is required to be innovative in obtaining funding from various sources, one of which is by optimizing the management and utilization of assets.
"Well, this asset is what "Well managed, not focusing on students' UKT, I emphasize, UNESA PTNBH is not just a status, but a mindset to give birth to a transformation of higher education that is more resilient, independent, adaptive, innovative," stressed Cak Hasan.
Vice Chancellor II for Law, Management, Finance, Resources and Business, Dr. Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, M.Pd said that in accordance with its principles, UNESA PTNBH is committed to preparing superior human resources towards a Golden Indonesia 2045.
UNESA continues to strive for the best to become a campus that is friendly, comfortable, quality and impactful good for the younger generation, society, nation and state. For this reason, a study scheme with UKT has been prepared which is adapted to the economic conditions of each student.
The determination of UKT at UNESA is based on the level of the student's economic condition which is known from the data filled in by the student himself during registration. So that the UKT amount does not exceed economic capabilities, it is hoped that filling in parents' income data is truly in accordance with actual economic conditions.
"Students who cannot afford it can study with the lowest UKT and can also be on the achievement pathway prepared "UNESA. For those who experience certain conditions and are constrained by costs along the way, we have also prepared a relief scheme to waive UKT," explained the lecturer at the Faculty of Education (FIP).
UKT at UNESA is divided into several categories. UKT-1 is IDR 500,000 (five hundred thousand rupiah) and UKT-2 is IDR 1,000,000 (1 million rupiah) for all study programs. UKT-3 is only IDR 2,400,000 (two million four hundred thousand rupiah) for all non-medical study programs. Meanwhile, medical study programs start at IDR 3,000,000 (three million rupiah).
Furthermore, UKT-4 averages IDR 3,160,000,- (three million one hundred and sixty thousand rupiah), UKT-5 starts from IDR 3,840,000,- (three million eight hundred and forty thousand rupiah), UKT-6 starts from IDR 4,560,000,- (four million five hundred and sixty thousand rupiah), UKT-7 starts from IDR 5,280,000,- (five million two hundred and eighty thousand rupiah).
Next, UKT -8 starting from Rp. 6,000,000,- (six million rupiah), UKT-9 starting from Rp. 7,557,000,- (seven million five hundred and fifty-seven thousand rupiah), and UKT-10 starting from Rp. 9,000,000,- (nine million rupiah).
"Each UKT category for each study program has the same size and some differ, depending on the type of study program," he explained. To make it clearer, information about each study program's UKT, study program choices, scholarships, admission pathways, and information on UNESA achievement pathways can be accessed on the page, https ://
"Essentially, students studying at UNESA do not need to worry about the UKT increasing, and we ensure that there is no increase. With this we hope that students will be more "motivated to continue learning and strengthening their competencies, so that after graduating they can immediately demonstrate their abilities in the world of business and industry," said the Surabaya-born lecturer.*
Reporter: Directorate Team Public Relations and Public Information
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Documentation of the Directorate of Public Relations and Public Information team
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