Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—The entire leadership of the Surabaya State University (UNESA) together with the ranks of the Regency Government (Pemkab ) Magetan planted hundreds of trees in the UNESA 5 Magetan Campus area on Monday, April 29 2024. There were various types of trees planted, from tabebuya, pulai to ketepeng.
UNESA Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., or Cak Hasan said that the campus spirit with the motto "Growing With Character" was present in Magetan to encourage human resource development, the economy, and contribute to regional development.
This is in line with The government's main mission is to improve and equalize the quality of superior human resources in various regions. UNESA's presence must be an important part of joint efforts to develop Magetan in a comprehensive and sustainable manner.
"We need to design human resources for this area "together through collaboration and strong commitment. Regional development must be by design which needs to be aligned with sustainable environmental development, one of which is through this joint tree planting movement as an investment for the future," said Cak Hasan.
Director of PSDKU UNESA, Prof. Dr. Sarmini, M.Hum, said that this tree planting movement in the Magetan campus area was the second time, after previously being carried out together with Magetan Regency Government and Forkopimda officials, and Pertamina AFT Iswahyudi."The first time was yesterday "We planted around 3,000 matoa seedlings. So now we are planting tabebuya, pulai and ketepeng trees. The aim is of course as an investment in the future environment, greening the campus area," he said. "The Acting Regent of Magetan gave a speech and emphasized the importance of UNESA's presence for the development of Magetan." src="/images/foto-30-04-2024-07-08-07-7951.png" style="height:533px; width:800px" />
Pj. Magetan Regent, Ir. Hergunadi, M.T., welcomed and expressed his thanks to the entire UNESA academic community who have made efforts to build a campus in Magetan and the greening movement in the Maospati area, Magetan.
He believes that the presence of the 'Home of Champions' campus can improve quality of regional human resources. "Everywhere human resources are a major problem, especially in districts like ours. The hope is that this effort can mobilize and increase public awareness of the importance of higher education," he said.
Hergunadi believes that UNESA's presence can change civilization in Magetan Regency. "We and the DPRD are ready for cooperation in any form. So there are no further problems, we have agreed to just keep going for more advanced regional human resources," he said.

The chairman of the Magetan DPRD expressed his hope and belief that UNESA 5 Magetan would be able to become a locomotive for regional development in Magetan
Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Magetan Regency DPRD, H. Sujatno, S.E., M.M., expressed his appreciation and thanks to the UNESA leadership for presenting a campus in Magetan with a beautiful building. It's ready to be used.
"We entered the courtyard of this extraordinary building. Of course this is the future of Magetan and the future of our children in Magetan Regency. We, the people, have many hopes that the presence of UNESA will definitely stimulate the economy of the people of Magetan. " he said.
He continued, if Magetan's sons and daughters go to college, they have to leave the area. And, when you feel at home outside, you don't want to go back to Magetan. The hope is that the presence of UNESA as a PTN there can be a place for the Magetan generation to learn and help develop Magetan.

Forkopimda Magetan staff attend the tree planting movement with UNESA leaders at Campus 5 Magetan
What The same was conveyed by the Magetan Police Chief, AKBP. Satria Permana, S.H., S.I.K., M.T., M.I.K. The man with two jasmines on his shoulders expressed his pride in the presence of the UNESA campus in Magetan.
He was optimistic that the presence of the campus there could improve the quality of human resources and stimulate the community's economy. "We from the Magetan Police are ready to guarantee security. From a security and social security perspective, it is much safer, God willing, students will be much more serious about studying in Magetan," he said.
For your information, the UNESA 5 Magetan Campus this year opened nine superior study programs with buildings and infrastructure ready for use. The nine study programs that can be selected for the 2024 SNBP, SNBT and independent pathways are as follows:
- S1 Physical Education, Health and Recreation, Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK) < li>Bachelor's Degree in Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD), Faculty of Education (FIP)
- Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA)
- Bachelor's Degree in Law, Faculty of Science Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL)
- S1 Communication Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL)
- S1 Management, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB)
- Bachelor's Degree in English Literature, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS)
- Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering (FT)
- Bachelor's Degree in Cosmetology Education, Faculty of Engineering (FT). [*]
Author: Egydia Artamevia
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Documentation Public Relations Team
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