Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—The leadership of the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) together with BEM State University of Surabaya (UNESA) welcomed the comparative study of BEM FBS Semarang State University (Unnes) at Auditorium T14, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya on Friday, September 8 2023.
Didik Nurhadi, M.Pd., M.A., Ph.D., Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs FBS UNESA said that comparative studies are an important part of the work period of an organization .
The comparative study, he continued, was a learning medium for friends from two different universities. Learning culture, work programs, and learning to adapt in various problem situations.
"Apart from that, comparative studies can improve relations between student organizations which is expected to bring benefits to both universities," he said.
Arif Hidajad, S.Sn., M.Pd., supervisor of the FBS UNESA student organization encouraged the two BEMs to continue to build productive synergies. According to him, UNESA and Unnes are brothers.
"The last visit was 12 years ago, around 2011, it's been a long time. As brothers, we should strengthen our ties with various useful activities," he said.
Now that he has visited again, the dance lecturer and supervisor of the Theater Institute UKM hopes that the relationship between BEM FBS Unnes and UNESA can be even better.
This comparative study activity was attended by 35 members of BEM Unnes and 55 members of BEM UNESA. The forms of activities carried out are also varied. Starting from the introduction of each work program, both from Unnes and UNESA.
The work programs that have been introduced are open for mutual input, then continued with discussion sessions tailored to the linear departments in the two BEMs.< /p>
Chairman of BEM FBS UNESA, Dhebby Silvia Putri expressed her gratitude for holding this comparative study. Considering that it has been many years since BEM FBS UNESA has conducted comparative studies, especially when Covid-19 previously restricted movement from all aspects.
Raihan Adi, chairman of BEM FBS UNNES added that the welcome given by BEM FBS UNESA was good incredibly great. It is hoped that this visit, which has not been held for a long time, can become a new path for balanced movement between the two parties. [*]
Author: Hiline Wijayanti
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation< /p>
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