Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Students of Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) Study Program, Faculty of Education (FIP) held an Exhibition Social Sciences Learning Innovation Project in Elementary Schools (SD) in the Hall of the PGSD Building, Floor 2, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya, on Thursday, December 8 2022.
This exhibition showcases student creations and innovations. Putri Rachmadyanti, a lecturer in the IPS Learning Innovation course at Elementary Schools, said that this exhibition was the final result of the lectures and became a medium for practice from the material students had received so far.
"The product that we are exhibiting is based on the results of an analysis of what problems occur in social studies learning in elementary schools and then designing learning innovations as solutions," he said.
This activity was attended by three classes from class of 2020 which were divided into five social studies learning project teams, namely, map and globe team, social studies literacy team, time and chronology team, social studies learning differentiation team, and also a social skills team.
"These five teams created learning scenarios, to interesting learning media according to the characteristics of elementary school students and of course to develop social studies learning in elementary schools to be more innovative," Putri added.
The main purpose of this exhibition is to share inspiration and innovation in improving the quality of learning in elementary schools. The products on display are not only three-dimensional learning media, but also other innovative learning products such as learning media, pop-up books, and others.
Even pop up books are specially made to target certain materials in elementary schools. In the exhibition there will also be lots of learning media that accommodate information technology such as creating or collaborating learning media with applications such as quizizz, word walls, and others.
Some of their products have been aligned with QR code or barcode based technology which provides a user experience to further explore social studies learning.
“There is a kind of adventure to get treasure, the treasure is like about natural resources. There is also historical material which aims to make IPS subjects and learning more interesting," he explained.
This activity is expected to be a solution to the problems of students who are afraid or less interested in social studies through creating creative and innovative learning. He hopes that in the future this exhibition will be sustainable and continue to innovate for the sake of improving and achieving the goals of this activity which will not only have a positive impact on students as their final project but also for the wider community.
"This exhibition will continue with various evaluations and innovations. Maybe in terms of location it doesn't have to be at PGSD later, maybe it can take place at the FIP pavilion or at the independent learning lab, I think that will be even more interesting," he concluded. [UNESA PR].
Author: Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Documentation by Princess Rachmadyanti
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