Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The important role of intellectual property rights (IPR) in universities is a form of protection for the intellectual property of the academic community that must be supported, facilitated and facilitated. Because of the urgency of the IPR, the Department of PGSD, Faculty of Education, Unesa held a webinar entitled "The Importance of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) for Creative Innovation Works of the PGSD FIP Unesa Academic Community" on Thursday (29/07/2021).
The webinar presents speakers such as Budi Hermono, S.H., M.H. Lecturer of S-1 Law of FISH, Reni Ambarwati, S.Si., M.Sc. Lecturer of S-1 Biology FMIPA and Annisa Rizkqi Hendradra Putri PGSD 2018 student as CIO of Oguru Indonesia.
On that occasion, the Head of the Center for Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation Product Certification of Unesa, Prof. Dr. Tukiran, M.Si was also present and gave a speech. He said that universities are sources of intellectual property rights through various scientific, technological and research activities. This must be able to increase the participation of the academic community in creating various educational creations and innovations that can make a positive and significant contribution to society.
In this case, Unesa targets each faculty to produce 50 HKI based on the various potentials of the seven existing faculties. "In order to achieve an increase in IPR in the campus environment, it is necessary to have an active role from various parties, starting from the leadership, lecturers and students," he said.
Budi Hermono, S.H., M.H. as the first speaker to convey about IPR from a legal perspective. He explained that IPR consists of two aspects. There are non-industrial intellectual property rights and industrial intellectual property rights. Both are related to copyrights, patents, brands, industrial designs and so on. The results of research by lecturers and students in a university need to get legal protection, because intellectual property has aspects of moral and economic values which are actually important to be protected.
Furthermore, Reni Ambarwati, S.Si., M.Sc. as the second speaker, explained the procedure for submitting IPR registration which can be done through the Center for Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation Product Certification (HKI-SPI), LPPM Unesa. The steps that must be taken by the academic community, such as file preparation; product descriptions of innovations, logo designs, product ownership statements, transfer of rights, ID cards, etc., filling out online forms on the LPPM website, verifying product results and issuing HKI.
"In the process, LPPM will provide full assistance to the academic community who submit IPR applications, various workshops will be prepared as a form of socialization and education so that mutual understanding can be achieved," he said. The webinar was followed with great enthusiasm from the participants and many were active in the question and answer session and discussion. (yrs/zam).
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