ADU STRATEGY: Teams from various agencies show off their skills in the 2024 UNESA Tennis National Championship.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Various agencies from various regions fielded their best teams in the 2024 National Tennis Championship: Inter-Agency which was held to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA).
The competition opened on Friday, 6 December 2024 at the Indoor and Outdoor Tennis Courts, Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK) UNESA Campus II Lidah Wetan, Surabaya, and will run until Sunday, 8 December 2024.< /p>
This National Championship was attended by a team of agencies from various elements. There are Jember State University (Unej), National Development University (UPN); Semarang State University (Unnes); State University of Malang (UM); Jakarta State University (UNJ).
Also, there was a team from the Indonesian Navy's Doctrine Development, Education and Training Command (Kodiklatal); Brawijaya Regional Military Command V; Surabaya National Education Department, East Java Education Service, PDAM, and East Java Regional Police.

UNESA Deputy Chancellor II, Madlazim (center); Dean of FIKK, Dwi Cahyo Kartiko (left); and Deputy Dean II FIKK, Irmantara Subagio (right). src=
There are two categories being contested. First, the agency team consisting of men's doubles 110 years (min 55 years); men's doubles 100 years (min 50 years), and men's doubles achievement (min 30 years). Second, multiple individuals are agency free.
Vice Chancellor I for Education, Student Affairs and Alumni, Madlazim, appreciated the participation of various parties and agencies in the championship. This championship is a forum for strengthening relationships between agencies across sectors.
"This tennis championship is not only to train our skills in tennis, but also to increase our sportsmanship and camaraderie in the spirit of sport," he said.
The Dean of FIKK UNESA, Dwi Cahyo Kartiko added This national championship was held as an effort to embrace all agencies and campus partners of the 'Home of Champions.' He hopes that this championship can be a motivation to strengthen sports culture.

This national tennis tournament is intended to strengthen relations and collaboration between institutions.
Apart from that, you can also open joint discussion space regarding the sustainability of cooperation; such as business partners, student exchanges between universities, and collaboration in the field of sports.
"Hopefully holding this National Championship will further strengthen relations between agencies and institutions, as well as provide a space for discussion and collaboration between agencies," he hoped.
One of the National Championship participants, Eko Sutopo from the East Java Education Service, also appreciated this tournament. He expressed his pleasure at being able to compete together between agencies,
“The event was lively and we are targeting to win in this match. "We hope that tournaments like this will continue to be held in the coming year," he said.
Even though the rain hit the Lidah Wetan Campus II area, this tournament was still lively with cheers and the sound of hitting and bouncing balls on the FIKK UNESA tennis court. . [*]
Reporters: Dede Rahayu Adiningtyas (FIP) and Dewanda Puspita (Internship).
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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