All UNESA leaders attended the Case Study Video and Interactive Video Demonstration Development Workshop in Bali. This activity is part of strengthening learning technology innovation at UNESA.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) through the Directorate of Educational Transformation and Learning Technology (DTPTP) is holding a Workshop on the Development of Case Study Videos and Interactive Demonstration Videos in Bali, on Thursday-Saturday, 19-21 September 2024.
Deputy Chancellor 1 for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs, Madlazim said that this activity was packaged in two schemes. First, hunt for videos about the Balinese landscape in Penglipuran Village, Pandawa Beach and Benoa Harbor. Second, training in making interactive video demonstrations at Ramada Bali Sunset Road, Kuta.
"The output of this activity is in the form of videos, which we estimate can reach 155 videos which will later be uploaded to SIDIA (UNESA Digital Selection) which can be used as teaching media or greetings for courses," said the professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA).
The Chancellor of UNESA, Nurhasan or who is familiarly called Cak Hasan, was also present at this activity. He provided a number of important directions to all work units and the community to continue to improve service quality and institutional governance.
"This activity is a forum for strengthening friendship and collaboration between leaders from the rector, faculties, to study programs. "Here we also share good ideas and experiences between study programs related to problems faced in lectures," he said.
Cak Hasan emphasized that all work units can work together. Working together here means being able to work together and work together to advance the institution. Stay away from sectoral egos, random ways of thinking. Between study programs must collaborate and sit together, even with faculties and directorates.
Cak Hasan emphasized that study programs are the spearhead of all services, therefore it is important to ensure various needs in the field, and ensure the lecture process can run Good.
"Hopefully this training can produce creative work in the form of interactive videos that are useful for improving the quality of learning in each study program," he hoped.
This activity was attended by the leadership; Board of Trustees (MWA), University Academic Senate (SAU), chancellor, deputy chancellors, deputy dean I director-head of sub-directorate, Ad Hoc Coordinator for Academic Affairs, Head of Section and DTPTP staff and coordinator of D-4 and S-1 study programs around the campus 'Home The Champions.'[UNESA PR]
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