Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Village officials and mobilizers who took part in the Village Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) program in collaboration with the Ministry of Villages PDTT and Surabaya State University (UNESA) together with the Bojonegoro Regency Government successfully completed their studies and attended the University's 107th Graduation Ceremony Surabaya State (UNESA) at GRAHA UNESA, on Monday, 18 September 2023.
Of the total 2,088 graduates inaugurated by UNESA this period, 585 of them were the first graduates of the Village RPL program from four study programs (prodi). There is a Bachelor's Degree in Management, a Bachelor's Degree in Sociology, a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting and a Bachelor's Degree in Out-of-School Education. They hold a bachelor's degree according to the study program of their choice.
Quite Competent
In the graduation ceremony with the theme 'Innovative, Solutive and Collaborative for a Harmonious Developing Indonesia', the Chancellor UNESA, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., believes that graduates already have sufficient knowledge and competence, so they are ready to enter the 'campus of life' as well as the world of business and industry (dudi). RPL graduates can certainly advance their respective villages.
"To the graduates, congratulations on your new chapter, make changes, create innovation and make the best contribution to society, nation and state. RPL graduates bring important changes and breakthroughs to their respective villages. "We are waiting for all of your innovations and contributions," he said.
The Head of the RPL Center, Awang Dharmawan, detailed that the first RPL Village graduates were 585 people. Then 8 other people will graduate in the next period. His party is targeting 591 RPL students can graduate this year.

RPL Surabaya and Magetan
Continuing the RPL Bojonegoro, added Awang, currently the RPL is underway with the Surabaya City Government which is being attended by 490 students from among regional officials, such as heads of divisions , section heads, staff and PAUD teachers. There are bachelor's degrees and most of them master's degrees.
"There are heads of divisions, section heads, etc. and around 200 of our PAUD teachers have accepted and have walk. Those with a bachelor's degree are targeted to complete 4 semesters and those with a master's degree will complete 2 semesters. "We designed this program with the concept of project base learning," he explained.
Apart from that, UNESA also carried out RPL with the Magetan Regency Government which was attended by 128 students from officials or staff within the Magetan OPD . He believes that RPL Magetan is a good and sustainable synergy, because it uses many excellent processes and concepts that are synergized with local bureaucratic needs.
"Other districts are also ready to synergize for RPL such as Madiun, Nganjuk and Gresik to Wakatobi. The district government is already having discussions regarding readiness to implement RPL according to the needs of their respective regions. "Our enthusiasm is to focus on improving the quality of regional and village human resources," concluded Awang.
Says from the Regent and RPL Graduates
The Regent of Bojonegoro , Anna Mu'awwanah was immediately present to witness the inauguration procession of the RPL participating scholars. Anna said that RPL was a strategic program aimed at improving the quality of human resources for village officials and activists in her government area.
According to her, regional and village development cannot apart from human resource development. His party is committed to continuing to increase the Bojonegoro Human Development Index (HDI), one of which is through the Village RPL.
"Our development concept prioritizes human resources. We continue to demonstrate this through our regional HDI which continues to rise "Since 2019 it has been at 67.85 and in 2022 it will be at 70.12, including the high category. Plus the RPL, this year it has risen again," he said.
Being able to graduate is a matter of pride for those who have succeeded. completing a series of academic assignments, this is also felt by RPL Village graduate, Wiwin Indrayani. The woman, who is the village head of Bubulan Bojonegoro, is studying in the Management study program of the RPL program. This study program is in line with the need to improve higher quality village governance.
“I gained a lot of knowledge while I was a student at UNESA, especially how to ideally manage a village and related concepts and strategies for village development towards a prosperous village community. and independent. I feel the benefits. "Hopefully RPL at UNESA will not stop and can continue in the future," said Wiwin after graduation. [*]
Reporter Team: Lukman Hadi Wibowo/Sindy Riska/Saputra
Editor: @zam Alasiah *
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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