Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—The involvement of the younger generation in the 2024 elections is in the spotlight. Surabaya State University (UNESA) political experts, for example, assess that the involvement of the younger generation is a necessity to make the democratic party a success which is predicted to be a strategic gateway to a golden Indonesia in 2045.
"If we look at the data, the number of voters remains for the 2024 election. "About 56.45% are dominated by the millennial generation and generation Z," said UNESA political science expert, Dr. M. Mubarok Muharam, M.IP., in Casual Chatting, UNESA Gender and Child Study Center Podcast Series 2 on Friday, 13 October 2023.
According to him, the young generation is an important entity that can maintain its existence and influence from a policy carried out by a leader. The important role of the younger generation in supporting the 2024 elections means that they must be smart in their actions and selective in choosing leaders.
"Youth should not act like following the crowd and being opportunistic. Young people can participate in the elections in a real way, be selective in choosing capable leaders, aspirational and accommodating," said the UNESA Political Science lecturer.
Elections often trigger the emergence of various perspectives which can cause noise, hate speech, questionable information which is distributed via online media which is easily accessible to the younger generation so that the younger generation is considered in monitoring the political landscape.

Mubarok said there are several tricks that the millennial generation and generation Z can use to make the 2024 election a healthy democratic party.
1. Self-preparation and check DPT
The first thing smart young people need to prepare is to check their personal data on the final voter list or DPT according to the electoral district. The function of checking the DPT is to ensure that the names of voters who will vote in the election are in accordance with the existing conditions.
"Don't let there be names that are missing or that the names of voters who no longer exist are listed in records such as moving or died," he said.
Apart from that, the millennial generation also needs to prepare themselves by ensuring that their voices are conveyed to support the continuity of the Indonesian government responsibly and not abstain. Be firm in making choices and uphold the principles of luber-jurdil (direct, public, free, confidential, honest and fair).
2. Check the biographies of potential leaders
When the names of candidates for national leaders, both president and DPR, are published, it is mandatory for young people to look for information about these potential leaders via social media and the internet.< /p>
The life history of a prospective leader can be used as a benchmark in looking at how to lead, achievements or policies that have been implemented previously.
"Of course, not all information can be accepted as truth. Young people must be intelligent carry out a cross-check to determine its validity so that the information can be accounted for," added Mubarok.
3. Identify the vision and mission of potential leaders
What is no less important in determining the choice of potential leaders is looking at the vision and mission that they bring. As the younger generation, we must fully understand the views that prospective leaders will bring and will implement when elected.
The vision and mission can be said to be good if it is in accordance with the needs of society and has the potential to be realized well. So, make sure you check the vision and mission before choosing so you know what direction the potential leader is formulating.
4. Minimizing election fraud
It is also necessary to be smart in responding to the situation and fully monitor the course of the 2024 election. Guarding that can be done is by carrying out movements and actions that can minimize election fraud such as campaign violations, misuse of data, or other fraud.
"With a young generation who is politically literate, active in paying attention to election issues so that healthier, more democratic elections can be achieved and good leaders are elected who can realize the interests of the people," he hoped. []
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Reporter: Hiline Wijayanti
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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