Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—New students (maba) demonstrated environmental awareness again in the PKKMB Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Surabaya State University (UNESA). They poured eco-enzyme into Lake Ketintang Campus on Friday, August 25, 2023.
There were about 60 liters of eco-enzyme with a mixing ratio of around 2.5 milliliters of liquid eco-enzyme per 1 liter of water poured by new students, members of BEM and FMIPA civitas in the lake.
Deputy Dean for Learning, Research and Community Service, Student Affairs and Alumni, Prof. Rooselyna Ekawati, Ph.D., said that this activity does not only talk about climate change, but also acts to create a positive impact on the environment.
This concrete step not only provides practical lessons to new students about the importance of environmental conservation , but also invites them to be part of the solution in facing global challenges.
"We also provide other small actions such as reducing plastic waste by always carrying a drink container or Tumbler. This is very simple but has a big impact if it becomes a habit many students," he explained.
He added, eco-enzyme is a multifunctional solution or liquid produced through a fermentation process from a mixture of organic waste such as fruit, vegetables, and others. Pouring these substances into lake water has many benefits, including clarifying and breaking down harmful substances in the water.
In other words, these substances can act as pest killers as well as fertilizers. "Eco-enzymes can speed up the normalization of pH levels in lake water which is a reservoir for various sources. This substance contains active enzymes that come from microorganisms that have been processed," he explained.
In the same place, Prof. . Nadi Suprapto, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D., Director of Scientific Ranking and Publication Innovation said this action had a positive impact in supporting UNESA in ranking world-class universities (World-Class University/WCU) through THE assessment. Impact Ranking.
The focus of the assessment in question is on the 6th and 13th indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which focus on water resources and facing the challenges of climate change. "This action is also continuous with the action on UI Greenmetrics ranking which focuses on commitment to responding to environmental issues," he explained.
This movement is also expected to have a positive effect in educating and inviting all UNESA academics to pay more attention and care about environment. By inviting all elements to be actively involved in water conservation and climate change mitigation efforts, it is hoped that a collective awareness of the urgency of environmental protection will be formed. , which in turn can inspire positive action outside the campus environment," he concluded.
This activity involved BEM FMIPA. The head of BEM, Ahmad Hilmi Ulin Naja, said that this environmental care action did not stop at PKKMB, but continued with individual awareness. The culture of protecting the environment, such as disposing of trash in its place, turning off electrical facilities when not in use, and others, must also become a habit that is ingrained in all students. [*]
Author: Mohammad Dian Purnama
Editor: @zam Alasiah
Photo: Documentation of Public Relations Team
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