Christina Tjandrawira, Digital Marketing Lead, Kinobi, explained various aspects of digital marketing to students around UNESA.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—The opportunity for 'Home of Champions' campus students to take part in the MBKM program is increasingly wide open, one of which is through the MBKM Basic Training held by the Subdirectorate of Student Exchange and Academic Mobility (PMMA), UNESA Directorate of Educational Transformation and Learning Technology on Wednesday, August 7 2024.
This training session presented Christina Tjandrawira, Digital Marketing Lead, Kinobi, a software company from Singapore. Christina shares about the world of digital marketing. With more than five years of experience in this field, he takes participants through various important aspects of digital marketing.
He explains that digital marketing involves marketing products or services through digital or online channels. Digital marketing is something more complex than just creating advertisements on social media. "Digital marketing is not only about marketing products online, but also involves various skills and strategies that must be possessed," he said.
There are several digital marketing skills that are mainly mastered. First, Strategist/analyst, makes big plans for digital marketing strategies. Second, writing. write effective content for SEO and social media captions. Third, paid ads, handling paid advertising that is targeted appropriately.
Fourth, communication, the ability to speak in front of the camera and communicate with the public. Fifth, design/video, creating attractive visual and video designs for digital platforms. Sixth, websites, understanding the basics of creating websites using various tools.
Christina also explained the scope of work in the digital marketing field, including marketing strategist, SEO specialist, social media specialist, and content creator. He emphasized that having skills in various digital marketing areas is very beneficial, although focusing on one specialization can also be an option.
Beyond that, it is also necessary to understand the use of technological tools to make work easier, such as Canva, Capcut , and Google Analytics. "Technology should help, not replace humans. Therefore, it is important to always update our skills and knowledge," he said.
Christina also explained a digital marketing strategy using the AIDA model (Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action) and steps in SEO planning, such as conducting a website audit and keyword research.
Regarding personal branding in the digital marketing field, Christina emphasized the importance of having a good portfolio and a detailed CV. The portfolio should include work examples, case studies and project descriptions, while the CV should include personal information, education, work experience and skills.
He hopes that trainees can understand and apply the knowledge provided. "Even though not all of you will have a career in digital marketing, at least you can learn how to create an effective CV and portfolio," he concluded.
With this interactive and informative session, it is hoped that training participants will be able to better understand the digital world marketing and prepare yourself for various career opportunities in the future.[]
Reporter: Prismacintya (FBS)
Editor: @zam*< /p>
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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