The Head of East Java BNNP provides reinforcement regarding commitment and collaboration in fighting drug trafficking.
Unesa., SURABAYA–International Anti-Narcotics Day (HANI) was celebrated in full glory at the rectorate grounds of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya, on Friday, July 19 2024.
The commemoration was held East Java BNNP and UNESA were marked by a music concert entitled "Post HANI 2024" with the theme "People Move, Fight Against Drugs Towards a Shining Indonesia."
Head of East Java BNNP, Mohamad Aris Purnomo said, Post HANI (yesterday , ed) is the final event of a series of activities carried out to commemorate International Anti-Drug Day on 26 June.
He continued that all BNNs in City Districts throughout East Java also commemorated HANI. Its activities include anti-drug counseling in educational, government and private institutions as well as social service.
The leadership of East Java BNNP and the Home of the Champions Campus together with stakeholders in Post-HANI 2024.
"We "Give each region authority for its activities, essentially it must contain an anti-drug message. The activities have been carried out from May to July," he said.
Unesa also took part in this HANI commemoration. Its activities are handled by the Crisis Center Mitigation Subdirectorate (SMCC) under the auspices of UNESA's Directorate for Prevention and Management of Strategic Issues.
Wiryo Nuryono, Head of the Drugs and Mental Health Section, said that SMCC carries out outreach in elementary schools regarding the dangers of drugs, one of which is in the form of a talk show on efforts to prevent and abuse narcotics.
< img alt="The splendor of the 2024 HANI commemoration in the courtyard of the "Home of Champions" campus" src="/images/foto-20-07-2024-08-00-38-5414.png" style="height:534px; width: 800px" />
"Apart from that, we also carry out urine tests for the UNESA academic community and hold creative video competitions related to messages about the dangers of drugs and so on," he said.
Top On that basis, the East Java BNNP gave an award to Unesa for its commitment to implementing the Prevention, Eradication, Abuse and Illicit Narcotics Trafficking (P4GN) Program.
The final HANI commemoration event at UNESA, which was attended by all the leadership of the East Java BNNP and leaders as well as the academic community from UNESA, TNI-Polri and related institutions, was enlivened by Adella who performed a number of her favorite songs. []
Reporters: Sindy Riska (Fisipol), and Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR team
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