Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–FORMABISA UNESA held a National Online Essay Competition (LEON) entitled 'Indonesian Innovation Creations to Answer the Challenges of Sustainable Development in Indonesia' on Saturday, (07/08/2021). The activity was attended by participants from various major universities in the country.
The competition consisted of various stages of activity and the highlight of the activity was the final presentation which was held online. The presentation was attended by the Head of the Blitar Regency Kominfo Service, and Vinda Maya Setianingrum, S.Sos., M.A., as the Formabisa Trustees (Unesa Blitar Student Forum). In addition, there was Adinda Laili as the Deputy Chairperson of Formabisa as well as 10 participants who successfully passed the presentation.
On that occasion, the judging process was carried out by Dr. Lilik Anifah, S.T., M.T., and Ali Imron, S.Sos., M.A., and Rusly Hidayah, S.Si., M.Pd. There are 10 essay sub-themes that are contested, ranging from education, technology, social society, economy, health, politics and policy, culture, energy, industry, and the environment.
Akbar Sena Wijaya explained that LEON is one of the 11 series of Formabisa Edvosion 2021 events. The entire series of activities is part of Formabisa's mandatory activities. Akbar as the chief executive also said that this was the second time that Formabisa had implemented LEON, and he also hoped that this activity could continue into the next session.
The ten participants who made it to the presentation round came from various universities, including Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Surabaya State University (UNESA), Ganesha Education University (Undiksha), Jember State University (Unej), University of Indonesia (UI), Diponegoro University (Undip), Jakarta State University (UNJ), and Padjadjaran University (Unpad).
After passing the final judging process, the results were announced on Sunday, October 8, 2021. The first winner was Rachmat Krismono from UGM and followed by Nadia Annisa Putri from UNJ. While in third place is Taufik Mehindra Abhimanyu also from UGM.
"Congratulations to the participants and hopefully this will be an opportunity to ignite the spirit in their work and give their best for the progress of the nation," said the Formabisa coach. "Even though the pandemic is not an excuse not to work, this situation must be a momentum to continue to produce creative and innovative ideas as well as solutions for society and the country," he concluded. (Hasna/zam)
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