Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA_Cases of gender-based violence (KBG) continue to increase. The Deputy for Child Protection at the Ministry of PPPA revealed that early last year, the number of cases was increasing, dominated by sexual violence against children. Especially this year. Even more sadly, violence is actually happening online (KBGO) and also occurs in the world of education.
KBG is caused by many factors, one of which is the low level of public understanding of the relationship and role between women and men in everyday life. On this issue, the UNESA PPKn lecturer team consisting of Dr. Oksiana Jatiningsih, M.Sc., Maya Mustika Kartika Sari, S.Sos., M.I.P., Listyaningsih, S.Pd., M.Pd., Rahmanu Wijaya, S.H., M.H., also took part. They are also assisted by their students.
The lecturers held a competency improvement program in developing gender-based learning in educational institutions by targeting teachers who were members of the MGMP PPKn SMA and SMK throughout the Regency and City of Blitar.
The activity takes place from October 8 to November 6, 2021. The implementation is carried out in a blended model or face-to-face (offline) and in a network (online). The event was packaged in the form of sharing materials, discussions, independent assignments, presentations and evaluations. Oksiana Jatiningsih stated that teachers are also involved in the development of gender-friendly teaching tools.
According to him, education must be gender-friendly, namely providing equality or justice for men and women. Equality is not equating the different, because by nature men are different from women. However, it is more about leaving the stereotyped tradition, domination and marginalization of certain genders.
He gave an example, school opportunities for women are still below men. Women are still considered not to need school because their duties are seen only at home and in the kitchen. Likewise at school, words, actions and others in the school environment sometimes demean women. All of this, he continued, is far from the true essence of education, which is for humanity.
Regarding this issue, the government has taken many efforts, one of which is through the Regulation of the Minister of National Education Number 84 of 2008 which orders every education unit to carry out gender mainstreaming. Unfortunately, the policy is not optimal.
"In the field or from below, we are trying to take steps to increase gender awareness for school principals, teachers and technicians, because they are the ones who are directly involved in the education process," he said.
In his remarks, Saiful Anwar, S.Pd., as the Chairman of the Blitar City PPKn MGMP welcomed the program. He hopes that Civics teachers in Blitar can get positive benefits.
According to him, Civics is an important part in efforts to strengthen the values of gender equality, because in order to build a democratic life and good citizens, anyone, both male and female, must be able to take a role and participate actively in the whole process of community and nation development. . [UNESA PR]
Author: PKM PPKn UNESA Team
Editor: @zam*
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