Stuart Blacklock, CEO of Qaspir International explained about Transformative Learning in the FIP International Guest Lecture.
Unesa., SURABAYA—Faculty of Education (FIP), Surabaya State University (UNESA) presented Stuart Blacklock, CEO of Qaspir International in an international guest lecture at the FIP Building, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya on Monday, March 25 2024.
Guest lecture which was also attended by information technology expert, Prof. Dr. Ir. Richardus Eko Indrajit, M.Sc., M.B.A., M.Phil., M.A. or Eko Indrajit discusses transformative learning and its application in the context of higher education in Indonesia.
Stuart Blacklock started his presentation of the material with a very interactive approach, inviting participants to be actively involved. He emphasized that transformative learning is a type of learning that stimulates change after encountering new information or situations that do not match what was previously thought.
The FIP leader and two domestic and foreign experts in international guest lectures.
This encourages students to broaden their views or change their mindset through their involvement in reflecting critically about themselves so that change occurs because of student awareness without any coercion from the lecturer.
Stuart Blacklock discusses various aspects of transformative learning and introduces the program Indonesian Transformative Higher Education, which includes various courses designed to support the implementation of transformative learning at various levels of educational institutions.
One of the highlights of Blacklock's material is the application of transformative learning in dealing with the waste problem in Bali, which shows how to change The local community's mindset can be the key to disseminating sustainable solutions.
Education figure and information technology expert Prof. Eko Indrajit provided reinforcement about transformative learning implemented on his campus.
Apart from that, Prof. Eko Indrajit also contributed valuable ideas to the discussion. He conveyed the policy of Pradita University, Jakarta which abolished mid-semester exams and replaced final semester exams with formative and summative evaluations as part of the implementation of the transformative learning model.
The question and answer session was an important moment in this event, where the participants actively asked questions to the resource persons and received direct answers from Stuart Blacklock. The guest lecture event closed with the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between UNESA and Qaspir International, as the first step in further collaboration in the field of education and transformative learning.
This guest lecture not only provides new insights into transformative learning, but also inspires students participants to think creatively in solving challenges faced in the world of education and the environment.[]
Reporter: Prismacintya Rachmatica (FBS)
Editor : @zam (FIP)
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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