Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA --The commitment to become a world class university or WCU continues to be demonstrated by Surabaya State University (UNESA). One thing that the 'Home of Champions' campus is intensively improving is scientific publications in various reputable journals.
Supporting these efforts, through the Directorate of Innovation, Ranking and Scientific Publications, UNESA held Socialization: Optimizing the Scopus Database and Science-Direct online on Friday, 6 October 2023.
Deputy Chancellor for Affairs Research, Community Service, Innovation, Publications and University Rankings, Junaidi Budi Prihanto, S.KM., M.KM., Ph.D., said that UNESA is committed to becoming a WCU and being able to enter the top 500 best universities in the world.
To get there, he continued, UNESA has several homework assignments, one of which is about publications in reputable journals which must continue to be improved every year. This year alone, UNESA has around 264 publications in Scopus.
"By subscribing to the Scopus and Elsevier databases, it is hoped that the academic community can make maximum use of it to obtain literature for research and analyze research trends in their respective scientific fields," he said.
Apart from that, it can be used as evaluation material or as a reference for the achievements of scientific publications for ranking. "Thank God, we got this database from strengthening funds starting from the IKU League, and project equity. Hopefully this can be used to increase UNESA publications," he explained.
Customer Consultant at Elsevier Asia Pacific (APAC), Johan Jang on that occasion spoke about Elsevier, Scopus Database and Science-Direct. Elsevier, he continued, is the largest science publishing company in the world. They have publications in the form of journals and books which can be seen on science-direct.
"Indeed, science-direct is exclusive to publications from Elsevier," said Johan Jang.
He continued, Elsevier has transformed into a global information analysis company which has a lot of analytical software, such as research analytics which was then created in the form of Scopus and recently there was Mendeley, Pure, then Digital Commons for journal editors and so on.
He added that science-direct is a database for journals and books published by Elsevier. After subscribing to this database, all academics, both UNESA lecturers and students, can access various articles and books for free.
"Science-direct has an average content in Q1 and Q2 or 85 percent of its publications in Q1 and Q2, so the quality is very good for supporting higher education research and publications. There are around 2500 journals in Science-direct and has millions of articles," he explained.
Director of Innovation, Ranking and Scientific Publications, Prof. Nadi Suprapto, M.Pd., Ph.D., hopes that with this socialization, it is hoped that scientific publications at UNESA can increase further. He encouraged mapping related to cooperation and collaboration between lecturers and other agencies which would later become evaluation material to increase UNESA's impact.
"Not only that, it is hoped that the S-3 and S-2 guidance will be able to optimize the database in Scopus as secondary data in research. This can have a tremendous influence on the citations that will be obtained. Hopefully with this, UNESA residents ", lecturers and students can be more productive in producing reputable publications," he said. []
Reporter: Nazilatul Maghfiroh
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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