Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Attended by the Chancellor of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA), the academic orientation training was held on Monday, July 18, 2022 online. This activity is the opening of the Teacher Professional Education (PPG) program in UNESA Category I Positions in 2022.
This program is intended to prepare professional and competent undergraduate and postgraduate education and non-educational graduates. The Chancellor, Prof, Nurhasan, M.Kes., said that the PPG which will be held in 2022 will be different, starting with independent learning in the context of independent learning.
“Age continues to move with all its demands and needs. Teachers also have to adapt according to the educational needs in the field. The future of the children of this nation and country is in the hands of the teachers. Teachers must be examples, role models in addition to having competence," he said.
He continued, PPG UNESA has obtained an A accreditation from BAN-PT and this year 1,594 students from various regions throughout Indonesia participated.
Drs. Fatkur Rohman Kafrawi., M.Pd., Head of the UNESA PPG Center said that this training is in line with PPG's goal of producing teachers as professional educators who fear God Almighty and have noble character, knowledge, adaptive, creative, innovative, and competitive with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating students.

In order to make this orientation activity a success, there are 129 civitas academica who have been assigned to the committee, including the leadership and staff members. The goal is to ensure the quality of service and the quality of graduates.
Dr. Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, M.Pd., Head of LP3 UNESA added, to be a future teacher based on the Indonesian philosophy of education, one must view children with respect, teach and educate holistically, and teach and educate relevantly. Relevance in question is according to the needs of the students it faces.
Interesting things discussed by Dr. Endah Budi Rahaju, M.Pd. According to him, literacy problems are not only the responsibility of Indonesian language teachers, and also numeracy which is considered only to be handled by mathematics teachers. The achievement of this competence requires more efforts from teachers regardless of majors or subjects to achieve understanding and later students can face the demands of the times.
One of the PPG students, Elyta, on that occasion asked about the communication concept applied to ABK students. According to Endah, the communication applied needs to be adapted to all conditions and needs of students which are certainly different, both for students with special needs and non-special needs.
Quoting the statement from the head of LP3, Endah continued that educators are like farmers, that is, they condition the rice to grow well according to its capacity and capability. It is hoped that the holding of PPG orientation training can further improve the professionalism of teachers in taking sides and meeting the needs of their students. [UNESA PR]
Author: Faizur Rahmatin
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
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