Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – Cultural-based BIPA teaching needs to be applied and taught to foreigners which lives in Indonesia, so BIPA teachers must have strategies to implement it. So that, the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Unesa held a National Sedaring with the theme "Cultural-Based BIPA Teaching Strategy".
The national sarasehan event held on Saturday (12/12) via zoom presented three speakers, there are Dewi Ariani, S.S., S.Pd., M.Pd., lecturer of BIPA at Malang State University, Chafit Ulya. S.Pd., M.Pd., bipa lecturer at Sebelas Maret State University, and DiahEka Sari, S.PD., M.PD., BIPA lecturer and researcher at Medan State University.
The activities attended by 457 participants were opened by Dr. Heny Subandiyah, M.Hum., as the head of Indonesian language and literature department. In her speech, Heny hoped that this activity could be useful for participants.
"I hope this activity can be useful for participants and the cooperation between Unesa, UM, UNS, and UNIMED continues in teaching BIPA as a form of free learning program," said Heny.
According to Dewi's presentation, knowing the cultural differences of a country is the best way to communicate effectively. This is good enough to make it easier for BIPA teachers to communicate with BIPA students through culture effectively.
"BIPA teachers need to understand across cultures with the aim of realizing that the behavior of all people /nations is influenced by their culture, making relationships and communication with other nations not only dependent on our personal, but also on our culture," said Dewi.
Furthermore, Chafit Ulya on that occasion, gave some examples of cultural integration in BIPA learning, namely the culture of bargaining, the introduction of typical food, the practice of playing drama, and the perception of BIPA students about the negative behavior of Indonesians.
"We apply real bargaining practices, invite students to the campus cafeteria and introduce typical Solo food as well as learn to communicate with the sellers, invite students to play folklore such as Roro Jonggrang, and invite students to observe and tell negative experiences while in Indonesia," said Chafit.
In addition, Chafit also gave a message to BIPA teachers to cultivate culture in fun learning practices.
"Good BIPA teachers should be able to orchestrated in cultural differences for BIPA students into a fun and meaningful learning practice," chafit said.
Unlike Diah Eka who explained the learning strategies that can be applied in teaching cultural materials to BIPA learners.
"The strategy is that BIPA teachers need to prepare teaching materials that support, build good interactions, be able to master technology, teach as they are, and be sensitive to the situation of BIPA learners," said Eka (Esti)
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