Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The Department of Indonesian Language and Literature (JBSI) of the State University of Surabaya held a national seminar with the theme "Indonesian Language and Literature: Recent Issues" on Saturday, November 20, 2021. The event was attended by speakers from various circles such as academics, writers, and publishers.
The speakers in question are 1) Dr. Heny Subandiyah, M. Hum., as Head of the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature UNESA, 2) Dr. Mulyono, M.Hum., as Head of the UNESA Indonesian Literature Study Program, 3) Dr. Yuni Pratiwi, M.Pd., as the Head of the Masters/S3 Program for Indonesian Language Education, State University of Malang (UM), 4) Triyanto Triwikromo, Writer, 5) Damhuri Muhammad, as Writer, and 6) Alek Subairi, as Publisher .
This hybrid event was attended by offline and online participants through zoom meetings. In this series of events, the winners of the Indonesian Language Festival (FBI) will also be announced and the representatives of the FBI winners will be presented.
The event opened with remarks from Dr. Mintowati, M.Pd., as the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs who represented the Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Arts UNESA at the same time opened the event. He expressed his appreciation to JBSI UNESA who had held an online seminar and to all those who had supported the smooth running of this event, he also conveyed an apology from the Dean of FBS for being unable to attend.
Mintowati hopes that what is conveyed in this seminar can be useful both for the JBSI UNESA academic community and all participants in general. Also, through the momentum of this seminar, it is able to become a forum for sharing knowledge about learning Indonesian language and literature along with issues and how to handle them. In addition, he also hopes that this seminar will be able to discuss more deeply about literary education, and this seminar will be able to answer the challenges faced by Indonesian language and literature during the current pandemic and in the future after the pandemic.
Ki Hajar Dewantara's style of literature learning
The first speaker, Dr. Heny Subandiyah, M.Hum., explained the material with the topic "Among System-Based Literature Learning". At first, he conveyed, in this topic, he raised how to develop the design of literary learning, especially literary appreciation by using the Among system which was initiated by Ki Hajar Dewantara. The Among system learning design is based on answering the classic problem regarding the low quality of literature learning. This is due to various things such as inappropriate media, lack of infrastructure and the quality of teachers and students who are lacking and need to be improved.
It is hoped that the Among learning system can be implemented properly, so that in studying literature students feel comfortable and enjoy, so that they are able to understand and apply the material received. This is also based on the importance of studying literature in schools, because studying literature can provide various benefits for students, one of which is about life lessons and a high sense of humanity. Literary works are a reflection of life and are able to provide teaching through stories and characters contained in them.
It is hoped that the purpose of learning literature is able to instill, grow and develop students' sensitivity to human problems and respect for values. In addition, he also explained about the design of literary learning which includes watching, niteni and nirokake.
In principle, this system is relevant to the principles of modern learning. He believes that this system is able to produce students as human beings with dignity, character, skill, and a sense of responsibility towards the social system on the basis of mutual respect. "In learning literature, students are expected not only to know the elements of literary works, but how students can implement the values contained in it in society," he said.
Literary literacy and the digital ocean
The second speaker, Dr. Yuni Pratiwi, M.Pd., who on this occasion explained the material "Sailing on a Literary Literacy Boat in the Middle of the Digital Information Ocean". The lecturer at the State University of Malang explained about the passengers on the literary literacy boat, namely literary readers in Indonesia, which in a fairly large percentage. However, it definitely has to be improved.
In a study, it was proven that 65.7% of literary readers were active in social activities and liked to give charity, indicating that people who actively read literature tend to be more empathetic to the thoughts and feelings of others. Because they often read literary works so that they recognize humans with various characters, ways of thinking and their natural feelings when facing various events and problems. So that indirectly literary works influence the mind to be more empathetic.
The current era of abundance of digital information, he continued, in addition to providing challenges, must also create opportunities, namely future resources that have literacy skills so as to form a generation capable of innovation, creation, and production. People who have good literacy skills also have literacy skills so that they have broad knowledge, thinking intelligence, and good innovation power, so that they will produce new ideas and works as well as new products according to future needs.
The challenges are Literacy to increase knowledge across disciplines, research for Innovation, Training to improve production quality and strategies and networks for marketing. This can be overcome by restoring literary learning, which can be done through elements of literary learning in the new normal education era, namely: Soft Skills, Cognitive Skills, Upskilling, Reskilling & Cross-Functionalskilling, Mental Well-Being, and Technology.
Diathesis in Indonesian
Furthermore, the third speaker, Dr. Mulyono, M. Hum., explained the material "Diathesis in Indonesian". He explained that diathesis is an oppositional system in which it contains a change from a semantic role then connected by a subject relation. Followed by different forms of diathesis.
According to him, this change is closely related to the difference in the semantic role of an argument that occupies the function of the subject, the subject here is certainly different from the subject in the study. He added that sentences as linguistic units that contain meaning can be analyzed into several layers, such as in sentences there are various grammatical function structures such as subject, predicate, object, complement, and description.
In addition, sentences can also be seen from other structures, such as grammatical and semantic structures, as well as argument structures. He then also explained about the forms of diathesis in Indonesian, namely agentive diathesis (DA), passive diathesis (DP) and objective diathesis (DO), of which of course the three types of diathesis have different explanations and characteristics and uses. discussed further.
Contemporary Literature
The fourth speaker, Sastrawan, Triyanto Triwikromo delivered his presentation of his material on "Contemporary & Childhood Literature". According to him, Indonesian literature is now living in a technological culture, which has given birth to a screen culture as well as screen time which has the effect of sucking up all one's life in the world of screens. This is a natural thing because we live in the era of "the next and the next" meaning that now we live in the internet network, live in childhood and live in all things called post or post expressions.
He also explained that nowadays post-reality, poshuman and virtual reality are commonplace. Then in today's world of technology, of course, producers of literary works, both writers and writers, must take various actions, including managing virtual readers, managing virtual brands, managing virtual products, and marketing virtually. "Literature is currently also able to live in any world, even able to enter the world of the creative industry so that currently literature can be more contemporary and childish," he said. "He also added that glocalization can be a strategy, by continuing to write conventional literature but based on glocalization and hyperlocalism," he added.
Recent issues in the world of literature
The fifth speaker, Sastrawan, Damhuri Muhammad explained about "Issues of Current Literature Update". Currently, there is a kind of confusion among writers, namely between digitizing works or texts and being part of the literary ecosystem, so there are writers who think that only by sharing uploads of reviews of newly published books or sharing links to short stories published on digital platforms. They feel that they have become part of the digital space, even though it is still just digitizing, even though the real problem in the digital ocean or big data has a life of its own.
The algorithm controller regulates people who are able to see the work that we post on social media because the algorithm for each digital platform works by creating a filter which then filters or becomes very uniform, so that people who are able to see our work are people who have the same prevention, so the problem arises of the difficulty of reaching a wider range of people (people with different prevention).
Regarding language issues, as quoted in a study which explains that the pronunciation of plosive consonants in landmarks emits more particles than the pronunciation of other consonants, so it is feared that it can spread more viruses, so there is an issue that these letters will be removed so that languages that use these letters does not become dangerous for health, this certainly has the potential to make Indonesian post-COVID-9 threatened to be destroyed in such a way that it cannot then be freely expressed.
Meanwhile, according to him, the most important language problem is whether language explains reality, destroys (destructs) reality, or builds new reality. In addition, according to him, the next latest issue is that our literary works are inferior to narratives that are considered viral that are scattered in cyberspace, even though in quality are better quality literary works that have been compiled by pouring out their thoughts but do not get the attention of the public, the public. more interested in issues or viral news that are less qualified than artists, this is where our challenge is so that literary works not only attract the attention of literary connoisseurs such as students or lecturers but are able to attract the interest of the wider community.
Literature quality
The sixth speaker, Alek Subairi conveyed his response as a publisher regarding the current development of literature and in terms of the quality of the literary works produced, according to him in the current development there is more circulation of books, this is because nowadays it is rare to find newspapers or magazines that publish literary works so that writers more interested in directly publishing his work without going through newspapers or magazines first.
Currently, he continued, there are senior writers, new writers, and new writers, of course, each of their works has interesting differences, such as senior writers who mostly book works that have been published in newspapers or magazines, but new and newest writers make books without writing. must first load it in a magazine, they are more likely to select their own work or appoint someone to select their work for later publication.
In addition, he also explained about the issues that occurred in East Java where there was a new phenomenon, namely the formation of a 3-paragraph short story community (pentigraph) which is certainly interesting to study. The next event then continued with the reading of the winners of the Indonesian Language Festival (FBI) which had previously been announced through the FBI's Instagram platform and continued with the appearance of representatives of the FBI winners, starting with the reading of Poetry by Deny Puji Rahmawati from MAN 2 Gresik, then continued with Short Story Reading by Hanun Khoirun Nisak from MAN 2 Jombang, and the last performance was an Essay Presentation from representatives of the winners of the FBI Essay category. [UNESA PR]
Reporter: Azhar.
Editor: @zam*
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