Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The atmosphere of the third (morning) graduation session of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) suddenly became quiet on Thursday, July 28, 2022. Endang Sulistyowati stepped onto the stage with a moved face. He tried his best to be present to represent his first son, Mochammad Fathurrizqi, who died on February 27, 2022 due to illness.
Endang couldn't hold back her tears when she received her son's diploma which was handed over by UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes at Graha UNESA, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya. His son, Mochammad Faturrizqi, S.Pd., is a graduate of the S-1 Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) study program, Faculty of Education (FIP) and has successfully completed his studies.
Representing the institution, the Chair of the UNESA Senate Prof. Dr. Haris Supratno, M.Pd., expressed his deep condolences. He appreciated the late Fathurrizqi's struggle to complete his studies. Of course this struggle, he continued, is to make his parents proud. He hoped that the struggle could be an example for others.

"This must be an example. Behind the struggle of college students there is a big hope for parents. Once again, the greatest appreciation for the late Mochammad Fathurrizqi. Also for his great parents," he stammered which was immediately greeted with thunderous applause and appreciation. support for the parents of the deceased.
On that occasion, the senate ranks, thousands of graduates plus their companions and invited guests for a moment prayed together for the late Fathurrizqi. "May the deceased be accepted by the side of the almighty Creator and the bereaved family be given fortitude and strength," said the chairman of the senate.
Endang expressed his gratitude to all ranks who have accepted and educated their children to become scholars, even though they could not attend the graduation ceremony with him.
The late Fathurrizqi was the eldest of three children. After college, he aspires to become an ASN (teacher) in Nganjuk. "He doesn't want to work far from us (parents, ed), he said he would always be beside me and his father until the end of life," said Endang haru.
His son is a person who likes to help others. Even when he was sick, he was still willing to help his friends complete their scientific work. In addition, he is also active on social media and participates in Jujitsu martial arts. He likes to create content for his Youtube channel which has reached 1.4 thousand subscribers.
“The pain started when I took care of the judiciary. Had a blood transfusion. However, fate said otherwise. May our children rest in peace with the Creator. The deceased is indeed gone. However, his memories, kindness and struggles are still with us. Our prayers are always with him there,” he said while wiping away tears. [UNESA PR]
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