Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economy is quite significant. It is estimated that 30 million MSMEs have gone out of business and tens of thousands of workers have been affected by PKH. This condition is increasingly difficult for families of children with special needs (ABK).
In order to revive the community's economy, UNESA's Sociology Study Program held entrepreneurship training for housewives with special needs at the Happy Celebral Palsy Community in Surabaya.
Drs FX Sri Sadewo, Head of UNESA Sociology Study Program on January 31, 2021 stated that the mothers were invited and trained to make homemade syrup and jam from fruits.
The training participants directly learned with Feni Kartikawati, Owner of Senja Homemade Syrup. These activities are packaged in the form of material delivery, there are discussion and practice sessions.
In addition, there is also a competition for making the fastest, best and most innovative practice videos. "We package this session so that the training is more interesting and interactive, as well as to motivate the mothers," said Sri Sadewo,
He continued, the training has been going on since October 2021 and is still in the stage of further assistance.
This activity aims to equip mothers with the skills to process healthy and affordable food for families from materials that are around such as fruit.
Furthermore, with these skills, mothers are also directed to produce jam and syrup products that are marketable in the community. So that it is expected to be a source of family economic income.
According to him, this training is a middle way to empower communities affected by the pandemic. Mobilizing the community's economy is a shared task, the central government to the regions, including universities and other stakeholders.
"Hopefully, mothers or women will be more empowered and skilled, thus enabling them to survive and even grow back during the pandemic," he hoped. [UNESA PR]
Photo: Personal Documentation of the Sociology Study Program Team
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