Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—The Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs of the Republic of Indonesia, Teten Masduki stressed the important role of the younger generation for economic progress in the Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PKKMB) Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Surabaya State University (UNESA) ) on Thursday, 25 August 2023.
In front of new students, Teten Masduki, explained that youth is the great potential of the Indonesian nation. Of the 270 million population, around 64% of them are young people. Of that number, there are 73% who are interested in becoming entrepreneurs.
The number of young people and their tendency to enter the entrepreneurial sector is an important factor in maintaining economic stability going forward. The government, he continued, is committed to increasing the entrepreneurship ratio of 3.95% in 2024.
"That way, Indonesia can become a developed country," he explained when greeting and encouraging new FEB students online.
< p>Entrepreneurship has a significant impact on economic growth and national independence. "Creating adaptive, creative and innovative young entrepreneurs is a priority for the government, especially to absorb labor. I hope UNESA students will become part of the 73% of youth who are interested in entrepreneurship," he hoped.< /p>
In PKKMB FEB, Yuhronur Efendi, Regent of Lamongan, who was present personally, said that entrepreneurship is one of the economic sectors that can become a business opportunity now and in the future.
The creative economy industry is becoming an economic trend that demands the seriousness and involvement of local youth. This is Indonesia's answer to facing the challenges of economic deglobalization.
Economic deglobalization occurs due to the attitude of large countries that tend to be inward looking and protectionist. On the other hand countries like Indonesia apply outward looking to maintain the global constellation by increasing exports competitively.
This condition is unavoidable for Indonesia This necessity must be answered creatively and innovatively through the important role of young people and students in various regions."In 2045, Indonesia will experience 10 world megatrends during Indonesia's golden age. Currently, there has begun to be a shift from globalization to economic globalization," he explained.
For him, going forward, the global economy will focus on digitalization and innovation and face the challenges of regional economic development. The younger generation and students must take part in developing the region through their respective roles and expertise.
“Students as educated, creative, and excellent personalities must be able to take advantage of creative economic opportunities so that they can contribute to maintaining economic revival and growth. I think there are many lecture programs that can be implemented to develop the region," he concluded. A number of presenters in question include; Director of Prevention Densus 88 Anti-terror Police Brigadier General. Pol. Tubagus Ami Prindani, S.I.K; Director of the Indonesian Moderate Network, Islah Bahrawi; Deputy Secretary of BPET MUI, Dr. Najih Arromadloni; Kadispendik Jatim Arie Agung Peawai; and Ecoton Founder, Prigi Arisandi, M.Sc. (*)
Author: Mohammad Dian Purnama
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: PKKMB Team Documentation
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