Revano Navy Satria Fradana, student of the Bachelor of Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Medicine and son of FK UNESA.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) students as representatives of the young generation of the Indonesian nation conveyed their aspirations and hopes regarding the development and future of the Indonesian Capital City (IKN), in the IKN Goes to Campus segment at the XI Indonesian National Education Conference (Konaspi) at GRAHA UNESA, on Wednesday, October 9 2024.
Revano Navy Satria Fradana, student of the Bachelor of Nursing Study Program from the Faculty of Medicine and Men's FK UNESA enthusiastically welcomed the IKN G program oes to Campus, which can become a forum for young people's aspirations regarding IKN development.
"Of course, I feel happy that IKN is coming to this campus, we as students know what IKN is with its entire program and mission in the future to strengthen and empower society," he said.
The student who is familiarly called Revano hopes that the development of IKN can run smoothly and is truly directed at having a good impact on society and the country. "Hopefully it can become the new capital and icon of advanced Indonesia, and can be proof of the progress of Indonesia's infrastructure." he added.

Ameylia Nanda Chintia Bella, D-4 Public Administration student, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) UNESA.
In addition, Ameylia Nanda Chintia Bella, who is a D-4 State Administration student, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) stated that the presence of IKN on campus is an educational segment, students become more familiar with the new capital city of Indonesia.
"Apart from that, "As students, we have space to express our aspirations and build dialogue around IKN development. That way, our hopes and voices as young people can be accommodated by OIKN officials," he explained.
Ameylia hopes that the development of IKN will not be mixed with the views and interests of certain political groups or politicized, considering that a lot of resources have been expended, and all of them from the people. In other words, IKN must truly be a project that brings benefits and is a source of pride for society in general.
“Good luck with your development, and achieved his hopes. "And, I personally hope that in the future I can have a career at IKN, either as a consultant or in other sectors, as a way to contribute to realizing IKN as a world city," he hoped.
He also hopes that infrastructure development such as IKN will be accompanied by human resource capacity building as the key to realizing a Golden Indonesia 2045. "The hope is that the world of education will be even more advanced in the future. "The existence of this IKN can accommodate student creativity," he concluded.
In addition, IKN Goes to Campus at UNESA is the first to be held on the island of Java. The segment is in the form of a talk show that brings together officials or deputies within the Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN) with UNESA students in an interactive discussion session.[]
Reporters: Dewanda (FBS), and Retno Nurus Solekhah (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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