Unesa.ac.id, KEDIRI—Surabaya State University (UNESA) students are not only students on campus, but also active agents of change in society. That is what the UNESA Kediri Student Association (Himawari) did in an independent curriculum training workshop at SD Negeri 1 and 2 Kepuh, Kediri Regency, Friday 12 January 2024.
With the theme "Strong Literacy of Great Students", the event is a series of annual activities namely community service. Unlike previous years, this year Himawari UNESA's service focuses on providing strengthening and support for the implementation of the Independent Curriculum in the regions. As the speaker, Dr. Octo Dendy Andriyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd who is a lecturer at the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) UNESA.
Irfan Bustanul Coiri, Chair of Himawari UNESA said that this activity not only shows the spirit of independent learning, but also their positive contribution in developing education. Strengthening curriculum innovation is in line with the implementation contained in the Tridharma of higher education.
"Curriculum changes will certainly bring significant changes, so this activity can encourage collaboration between students and teachers in learning," he explained.< /p>
In his findings, Irfan said that learning activities in several schools were still classified as traditional so that the implementation of the latest curriculum was not optimal. This condition creates obstacles to the implementation of the latest curriculum which should be the basis for preparing students to face future demands.
He stated that traditional learning tendencies are often characterized by the use of conventional teaching methods, lack of use of technology in the learning process- teaching, and the lack of innovation in delivering material. This of course can affect the effectiveness of learning and suitability to current developments.
"Conventional teaching is still predominantly lecture, one-way and teacher-centred. So the active chemistry that should be in an independent curriculum is not created," he explained.

In her activity, Himawari UNESA also explained several things about the transformation of learning approaches towards a more progressive and interactive model. The application of educational technology needs to be emphasized, such as the use of online platforms and innovative learning applications which are considered as potential solutions to improve the quality of learning.
As the Head of SDN 1 Kepuh, Dwi Etika Sari expressed her appreciation for this activity. He revealed that this activity is important in developing human resources who are technologically and innovatively literate because it is the key to success in creating a more modern and relevant learning environment.
By utilizing technology, students can be more actively involved and get a more diverse learning experience . This initiative not only reflects students' creativity and social responsibility, but is also an important impetus for positive change in the world of education in Indonesia. []
Reporter: Mohammad Dian Purnama
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: UNESA Himawari Documentation< /p>
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