unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA – Students of the Master of Education Technology study program, Faculty of Education, Surabaya State University (FIP UNESA) carried out an educational visit to Pudak Scientific, a company known as a leading manufacturer of educational teaching aids and science laboratory equipment in Indonesia. This visit is part of the student competency development program, which aims to introduce the world of industry and the application of technology in education in a more realistic way. This activity was held on Tuesday, October 22 2024 in Bandung. TP Masters students class of 2023 accompanied by Dr. Andi Mariono, M.Pd. as Coordinator of the Educational Technology Masters Study Program, Dr. Irena Y. Mureen, S.Pd., M.Sc. and Dr. Khusnul Khotimah, M.Pd., as a lecturer in the Educational Technology Masters Study Program, as well as the Educational Technology Masters Quality Assurance Unit, Hirnanda Dimas Pradana, M.Pd.
Pudak Scientific: Innovation in Education
Pudak Scientific is a company that has long been involved in the production of educational teaching aids and laboratory equipment for various levels of education. Their products are used in schools and universities throughout Indonesia and have contributed to supporting science and technology-based learning processes. During this visit, UNESA FIP Educational Technology Masters students had the opportunity to see firsthand how these tools are produced, from the design stage to final testing, as well as how technology is used to create innovative teaching aids that are relevant to current educational curriculum developments.
Improving Understanding of Educational Technology
This visit is designed to provide students with a practical understanding of how technology can be applied in education, especially in the development of interactive and effective teaching aids. Dr. Andi Mariono, M.Pd. , coordinator of the Educational Technology Masters Study Program, explained that this visit is expected to provide students with broader insight into the world of the education industry, as well as opening their minds about the importance of innovation in the learning process. “Students not only learn theoretically, but they also have to understand how the technology they learn can be applied in the real world. "A visit to Pudak Scientific provides an opportunity for them to see how teaching aids and educational technology are developed to industry standards," said Dr. Andi Mariono, M.Pd.
Series of Visit Activities
During the visit, students gained valuable experience through several activities, including:
< ul>Increasing Professional Competency
This visit had a positive impact on the students. Apart from gaining practical insight into the world of work, they also understand better how educational technology can be integrated into learning. One student, Ainur Rofiq, stated that this experience was very valuable because it provided a real understanding of how learning media can be developed in innovative ways. “We learned a lot about the process behind making educational props, which we have only studied theoretically in class. "This is a very valuable experience for our future career development," he said.
Long Term Impact
It is hoped that this visit can motivate students to continue developing creativity in designing and utilizing technology for education. FIP UNESA is committed to continuing to provide opportunities for students to be involved in activities that support the development of their practical competencies. This kind of activity shows the efforts of the UNESA FIP Educational Technology Master's Degree in bringing the academic world closer to industry, so that Educational Technology Master's Degree graduates can have skills that are relevant to industry needs and are ready to face challenges in the world of technology-based education in the future.
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