Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA— The National Defense Independent Campus Learning Activity (BKP MBKM) is being implemented again online by UNESA's Subdirectorate of Student Exchange and Academic Mobility on Tuesday, July 9 2024. Students around campus with the slogan 'One Step Ahead' attended the socialization delivered by the Head of the National Defense Section, Afifan Yulfadinata, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Afifan Yulfadinata explained that based on Republic of Indonesia regulation Number 115 of 2022 concerning the Policy for Developing National Defense Awareness, it is the determination, attitudes, behavior and actions of citizens both individually and collectively in maintaining state sovereignty, territorial integrity and national safety. and a country imbued with love for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) based on Pancasila and the 1945 State Constitution in ensuring the survival of the nation and state from various threats.
Meanwhile, according to the Chancellor's regulations, defending the country is an activity carried out in order to provide education or training to students in order to develop attitudes and behavior and instill the basic values of defending the country and love of the country. For example, National Defense Awareness Development (PKBN) for students.
MBKM National Defense is divided into 2 schemes, namely defending the Ministry's flagship country and defending the independent country. Students who take part in the National Defense MBKM program indirectly contribute to increasing the spirit of love for the country.
"For the National Defense MBKM program, the Directorate of Educational and Technological Transformation at Surabaya State University (DTPT UNESA) will collaborate with the Defense University of the Republic of Indonesia (UNHAN RI)," he said.
The benefits that students from MBKM will get from defending the country include, 1) increasing the feeling of love for the country among students, 2) developing students' character who is disciplined, tough, and has a leadership spirit, and 3) deepening their character. students' understanding of national values and fostering a spirit of patriotism.
Kasubdit MBKM UNESA, Dr. M. Jacky, S.Sos., M.Sc. He said that specifically for students who are interested in registering for National Defense MBKM, they will be provided with material on self-readiness in terms of psychology and mental resilience. Furthermore, they can adapt socially and work together in teams (teamwork) in carrying out MBKM which will partner with UNHAN RI.
Currently, the threat of hoax news is experiencing tremendous growth in the era of social media. If this development, which is triggered by the development of information and communication technology, is not accompanied by literacy readiness for its users, it will result in people having difficulty distinguishing between real news and fake news.
Other impacts caused by hoax news can trigger chaos, unrest, hatred, and even fear which can threaten the integrity of the country. Therefore, his party and UNHAN RI are working together to include a digital literacy curriculum in MBKM learning to defend the country.[]
Reporter: Fionna Ayu Shabrina (FMIPA), and Muhammad Dian Purnama (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA Public Relations Team
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