Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Visual Communication Design Study Program (DKV), Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), Surabaya State University (UNESA) held an end-of-semester exhibition entitled 'Local Creation' in the display room of the T14 building, 1st floor of the Faculty Language and Arts, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, on Tuesday, 19 December 2023.
In the exhibition which is part of the assignment for the Digital Promotion course, DKV 2021 A students exhibited various design works in PowerPoint (PPT) form . The aim of the exhibition is to provide practical experience in digital promotion in preparation for student internships.
This exhibition not only displays works directly related to certain companies, but also illustrates the conceptual design of the companies they created.
Apart from being a place for students to show their design skills, this exhibition is also a platform for exploring innovative ideas related to business and companies.
DKV study program coordinator, Marsudi S.Pd., M.Pd, said his pride in holding the event. For him, students' creativity and dedication in presenting ideas is fresh and bold.
He also emphasized the importance of this exhibition as a platform that bridges students with the design industry, opens up internship opportunities, and increases the competitiveness of graduates in the world of work .
On that occasion, the Study Program Coordinator conveyed information that next year there would be the addition of several new lecturers at DKV. It is hoped that this will enrich the students' learning experience and bring new nuances to the teaching approach.
The "Local Creation" exhibition is also planned to be continued by DKV 2021 B students. This creates a continuity of activities, where every student has the opportunity to explore their creative ideas related to digital promotion.
With the success of this exhibition, it is hoped that DKV students will be better prepared to face challenges in the world of creative industries. The "Local Creation" exhibition is not just an ordinary exhibition, but rather a real step in equipping students with skills and knowledge that are relevant to the demands of the job market.[]
Reporter : Diah Asri Magdavi
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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