A team of UNESA professors and experts together with the leadership of Unital Timor Leste in training to improve basic skills in instructional techniques.
Antonio Guterres as Deputy Chancellor I of Unital hopes that as many The 48 lecturers and officials who took part in this training were able to learn together to improve the quality of learning on their campus.
The activity, which lasted for ten days, included material provided by seven UNESA doctors and professors. Bambang Yulianto, FBS UNESA professor, gave material on 'Higher Education Strategic Issues and Policies' and 'Higher Education Curriculum,' 'Profession and Ethics of Educators and Character Education in Higher Education'
Furthermore, material on 'Innovation in Education System', 'Media and Learning Resources (Digital)', 'Learning Evaluation Workshop', and 'Development of Semester Learning Plans (RPS)' delivered by Anas Ahmadi, FBS professor.
Anas Ahmadi also provided materials on 'Continuous Learning Improvement/Classroom Action Research', 'Independent Assignments on Improving Semester Learning Plans (RPS)', 'Assistance and Coaching in Preparing Learning Tools'.
Then the material was 'Educational Psychology and Student Development', 'Learning Theory and Motivation', as well as 'Learning Communication Workshop' delivered by Syamsul Sodiq. Then there was material presented by Maspiyah. He also delivered material on 'Innovative Learning Design and Models', 'Innovative Learning Design and Model Workshop', 'Learning Communication', and 'Learning Evaluation'.
Hasan Subekti, provided materials on 'Media and Learning Resources Workshop (Digital)', 'Learning Plan Development Workshop (RPS)', 'Continuous Learning Improvement Workshop/Classroom Action Research', 'Independent Assignment on Improving Learning Plans Semester (RPS)'.
He also delivered material on 'Assistance and Coaching in Preparing Learning Tools'. Hasan Subekti, together with Karwanto, and Nur Ahmad Arief, became companions in teaching practice activities to evaluation.
For information, training like this has often been carried out by LPSP, as was carried out last month, namely at the University of Mataram (Unram) which was attended by 182 participants.[]
Reporter: Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA LPSP Team
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