Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Institute for Professional Education and Certification (LPSP) Surabaya State University (UNESA) confirms and takes the professional oath of Teacher Professional Education (PPG) graduates both pre-service and in-service batch 2 in 2023 at the Auditorium, LPSP , Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, on Thursday, December 21 2023.
The activity entitled "Together with Surabaya State University and Legal Entity Colleges, Creating Professional Teachers who are Fit to Transform Towards a Superior Indonesia" was attended by the head of the Surabaya City Education Office Yusuf Masruh, UNESA leadership, deans and environmental directorates.
Head of the PPG Center Drs. Fatkur Rohman Kafrawi, M.Pd., said that as many as 531 PPG graduates took part in the professional inauguration and oath for this wave or period. He added that the 2023 pre-service PPG graduation rate reached 100%.
“As one of the best PPGs in Indonesia, we strive to continue to maintain the quality of the program and graduates. "In addition to striving for a graduation rate of 100%, the party also ensures the competency of graduates who are equipped with English language skills," he said.
The professional oath was led directly by the Chancellor of UNESA, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M. Kes. In his speech, the man who is familiarly called Cak Hasan congratulated and succeeded to all PPG graduates.
He said that teaching is a noble profession which in his hands holds the determinant of the quality of the generation and the quality of the nation in the future. According to him, whoever is now filling an important position in this country is the result of the hard work and important role of the teacher.
“The position of teacher is very vital for this nation. "Because of this, professional and competent teachers are needed to prepare the generation for a Golden Indonesia 2045. We believe that with a series of processes that PPG UNESA goes through, they can become teachers who are not only competent, but adaptive and creative," said Cak Hasan.
The Chancellor advised PPG graduates to have the ability to learn continuously. In other words, continue to improve your abilities from time to time. This must be done so that it can be adaptive amidst the rapid development of the times.

LPSP Director, Dr. Martadi, M.Sn., said that the progress of a nation is influenced by the quality of education, and of course this cannot be separated from the role of teachers. There is not a single profession in this world that can exist without the intervention of a teacher and there is no developed country without great appreciation for teachers.
He said that PPG graduates are already called professional teachers. "As a professional teacher, your responsibilities will be greater and maintain personal ethics and professional ethics like professional teachers," he said.
He stated that this year LPSP succeeded in increasing the number of graduates to 100%, which was previously around 99, 01%. To achieve maximum results, it takes a long time. The party gathered the best lecturers to develop practice questions.
Furthermore, monitoring and evaluating students' abilities periodically, developing an independent learning LMS from prepared materials so that students can learn optimally.
In this activity, Bayu Aji Purnomo from the Physical Education, Sports and Health study program, succeeded in becoming the best PPG graduate and the representative of all PPG students to give a speech.[]
Reporter: Lina Lubabatul Karimah
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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