Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Surabaya State University (Unesa) holds a workshop for Refreshing and Recruiting Internal Reviewers for Research and PKM, Guiding Reviewerss and Prospective Reviewerss on January 21 2025 at the Auditorium on the 9th floor of the PPG Building, Unesa, Campus II Lidah Wetan.
This activity carrying the theme "Growing and Strengthening the Scientific Culture of Research and PKM" which was thoroughly discussed and discussed by the speaker, Dadang Sunendar (Prof), Chair of the Indonesian Education University (UPI) LPPM.
This socialization was carried out so that reviewers and potential reviewers guided by the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the 2017-2045 National Research Master Plan (RIRN), to realize the vision of a competitive and sovereign Indonesia science and technology based.
Apart from that, it also prioritizes research based on the 2020-2024 National Research Priorities (PRN) which contains one of 9 aspects of the field, including food; energy; medicine health; transportation; engineering engineering products; defense and security; maritime; social humanities, arts, culture and education; as well as multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral.
"We need to wait for a new review of the National Research Priority (PRN) points in 2025, which is definitely a priority to prioritize research that can lead to a Golden Indonesia!" said Dadang Sunendar.
Chairman of Unesa LPPM, Muhammad Turhan Yani, said that the purpose of this workshop activity was to share information with reviewers and prospective reviewer Unesa.
"There are a total of 50 prospective reviewers who will take the test this afternoon, and a total of reviewers on duty at in 2024 amounted to 200 people. "This year LPPM received additional funds of around 5 billion rupiah, which will be distributed to each of LPPM's 18 research schemes, one of which includes the Student Creativity Program (PKM), as well as research funding applications from each faculty." he said.

The professor at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) added that there was a significant increase in the number of research funding quotas, to facilitate research by both lecturers and students.
We also emphasize that reviewers really understand the chosen scheme and warn them not to upload proposals close to the deadline in order to avoid technical errors in the last days of uploading.
Vice Chancellor III for Research, Innovation, Ranking, Publication and Science Center, Bambang Sigit Widodo said that 2024 will record a record for the highest number of publications since Unesa was founded in 1964, jumping to around 800 publications.
In the future, 2025 is scheduled to be the year that begins the target of 'One Lecturer, One Scopus'by motivating more and more lecturers who are prioritized to become 1st author.
"Regardless of theory and methodology, the main hope is that reviewers do not just assess, but can also work together well and build solid collaboration, even though they have advantages in respective fields. "That way we can create continuity of perception among reviewers," he said.
He further expressed the hope that reviewers would be wiser in facilitating researchers to get their rights in funding.
He also emphasized that Reviewers and prospective reviewers can carry out all procedures according to the reviewer standards set by the LPPM as the latest requirements that need to be adhered to. In this way, we can always improve the quality of LPPM Unesa.[*]
Reporters: Ahmad Daffa F. (FT), and Tarisa Adistia (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Unesa Public Relations Team
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