Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) has again been appointed by the Directorate of Resources, Directorate General of Diktiristek, Kemendikbudristek as a higher education institution for this year's lecturer internship program.
Apart from UNESA, there are also six other universities in the supervisory campus, namely the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Padjadjaran University (Unpad), Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Airlangga University (Unair), and the Indonesian Education University. (UPI).
The lecturer internship program itself will be held for four months, August-November 2022. Dr. Syamsul Sodiq, M.Pd., Head of the UNESA Internship Lecturer Team said that the implementation of the internship lecturer program this year was slightly different from the previous year. This year's implementation scheme is a hybrid, 2 months online and 2 months offline. The program will start on August 1, 2022.
He added, related to the formation or the number of internship lecturers for each university, it would be released this week. Reflecting on the implementation of the internship lecturer program last year, UNESA accepted about 25 internship lecturers from 175 lecturers who participated in the program.
"UNESA was quite successful in organizing this program, so that it was re-elected to be a supervisory college in the same program," he said.
Last year, continued Syamsul, the participants were required to make research proposals and community service proposals. In addition, UNESA also provides opportunities for participants to have the opportunity to take part in 'AA Pekerti', make books and establish cooperation between study programs of each university.
On this occasion, he also revealed that these internship lecturers will directly teach with UNESA lecturers offline according to their study program. LPDP supports their living expenses during this activity.
The aim of this program, according to Syamsul, is not just a teaching internship, but also to improve management and leadership abilities. So it is hoped that new lecturers will have the insight to lead higher education in the future.
This lecturer internship program is 'made' by the Directorate of Resources, Directorate General of Diktiristek, Kemendikbudristek, in order to provide opportunities for young lecturers to improve their competence and insight in their respective fields. Of course, they are also expected to learn a lot from established supervisory universities.
"Hopefully the selected young lecturers will be able to take advantage of this opportunity as well as possible to improve their competence for the better and improve the quality of their original university," he hoped. [UNESA PR]
Author: Hasna
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo : fauxels: https://www.pexels.com/id-id/foto/pria-dengan-komputer-tablet-beige-blazer-holding-3184328/
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