Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The briefing on the School Field Introduction (PLP) program at the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) began to be socialized online on Wednesday, July 13, 2022. The activity was attended by two resource persons, namely the Head of the UNESA MBKM Unit, Dr. M. Sholeh, M.Pd., and Head of the Field Practice Division, Dr. Nanik Indahwati, M.Pd.
Nanik Indahwati explained that the current PLP with the MBKM scheme is equivalent to 20 credits covering several aspects of the course; PLP-School Management; PLP-School Program Development; PLP-Curriculum Analysis; PLP-Learning Plan Development; PLP-Development of Teaching Materials; PLP-Media Development; PLP-Learning Assessment; and PLP-Teaching Practices.
He added that the main focus of PLP activities was to train students' teaching skills directly in schools. Especially for students of education study programs, they are required to be able to practice teaching which will later become a provision to become competent and professional teachers. "Teachers are digugu and imitated," he said.
M. Sholeh on that occasion said that when students encounter problems on the SI-ELLA page or if there are students who have not received their destination school, they are advised to report to the head of their respective study program.
The schedule for the PLP-MBKM odd semester 2022-2023 will be held on August 1, 2022. The timeline for activities starts from the registration of PLP at SIELLA on July 3-9 2022 at SSO; then socialization to the head of study program on July 7, 2022 via online; PLP debriefing to students on July 13, 2022 via online.
Furthermore, socialization to DPMK-DPL on 14-15 July 2022; Implementation of 1-2 technical meeting lectures for 7 PLP-MBKM courses on 18-28 July 2022 for all educational S-1 study programs (PLP); Field Observation Students; Discharge of PLP students on July 29, 2022 via online; The PLP will be held on 1 August – 11 November 2022 offline at their respective training schools.
Implementation of lectures for 7 PLP-MBKM courses on November 14-25, 2022 at each DPMK; Upload 8 courses on 28 November-10 December 2022 for 12 days; and first wave I-IV supervision on August 1, 2022, second wave in September 2022; the third wave in October 2022, and the fourth wave on November 11, 2022 accompanied by field assistant lecturers (DPL), leaders, and 7 team members. [UNESA PR]
Author: Fionna Ayu Shabrina
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
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