Screening of one of the eight films selected for the 2024 Kofie Screen.
Unesa.ac.id. , SURABAYA—The 2024 Kofie Screen Event held by Kofiekom on Saturday, December 7 2024, at Building I6 FISIPOL UNESA took place lively with the theme Chandikala Sinema, which raises the philosophy of transition between day and night as a symbol of tradition and time immortalized through film works.
Aditya Fahmi Nurwahid, UNESA Communication Science filmology lecturer, was present representing the Undergraduate Communication Science Study Program Coordinator and opened event by conveying the importance of film as a communication medium.
“Films can convey messages beyond words, record events, and connect various generations. "I hope that Layar Kofie can be a solid first step in introducing cinema to the public," he said.
Valentina Indri Sallianti, chief executive of Layar Kofie, said that this activity was the culmination of a series of pre-events, both online or offline. He hopes that this event will be the starting point for the development of Layar Kofie as an increasingly large and influential film festival.
“Through Layar Kofie, we want to provide space for young filmmakers to work and become an inspiration for the film industry, in particular in East Java," said the woman who is familiarly called Indri.

This event features eight films selected from the selection results, namely works from The Leagues Production, WasWesWos Pictures, Degradasians, Multimedia SKANESA, Analogi Production, CC Fikom Unpad, Noise Film, and Goingsore.
Of the eight works, only Noise Film from Yogyakarta and Multimedia SKANESA from Mojokerto were present in person.
With around 200 spectators packed into Building I6, the awards night was the highlight of the event . Want to Know Movies? from Noise Film succeeded in winning the award as the Audience's Favorite Film, after successfully attracting the audience's attention with its relevant themes and strong presentation.
“We are very grateful for this award. "Hopefully our film can provide inspiration and be a motivation for us and other filmmakers," said a representative of Noise Film in his award acceptance speech.
With great enthusiasm from participants and audiences, it is hoped that Layar Kofie 2024 will continue to develop into space for young filmmakers to continue working and appreciate the world of cinema in the future.[*]
Reporter: Zakariya Putra Soekarno (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Kofie Sailing Team 2024
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