Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA - As a center of gravity in the field of Sport Science, Surabaya State University (Unesa) continues to strengthen its superiority through programs and infrastructure, as well as the quality of its human resources that often carve achievements at the national level.
Latest, the campus contingent nicknamed '' home of the champions' won (1st place) Tournament of the Tennis Professor Association (ATP) The men's doubles category which took place at the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang, Sunday, February 9, 2025.
This tournament was attended by dozens of contingents from various universities throughout Indonesia. The UNESA contingent was strengthened by Agus Hariyanto, Ketut Atmaja, Advendi Kristiyandaru, and Abdul Rachman Syam Tuasikal.
UNESA Rector, Cak Hasan Appreciated for the achievements achieved by the professor team. This achievement shows the commitment and hard work of the Unesa contingent in maintaining and continuing the winning trend inscribed in the previous competencies, the Tennis Championship between 2024, including the LPTK Cup championship.
This achievement strengthens the advantage of UNESA in the field of sports. "We turn on this achievement ecosystem not only among students, but also lecturers, and their tendons, including the professors," said Cak Hasan.
Deputy Chancellor IV, Dwi Cahyo Kartiko added, this victory is a big capital for UNESA headed for LPTK Cup 2025. The Professor of Basketball Learning added, this tournament is important to turn on the spirit of sports in tertiary institutions.
According to him, a healthy physical and soul can be built in a happy way, namely through sports.
"This professor is not a joke and responsibility. Therefore, it must be routine sports, so that it must contribute to the country, because the backbone of the university is in the professor. So it must be healthy and fit, "he said. Rarely the professor can gather. This is a good momentum to build intimacy and discuss what we can do and breakthroughs what needs to be presented for institutions and nations, "he added. [*]
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