Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA–Implementation of inclusive education needs to be supported by a proper understanding of the essence of education. For this reason, the Special Education Study Program (PLB), Faculty of Education (FIP), Surabaya State University (UNESA) held a Guest Lecture entitled 'Reimagining Inclusive Education' at Building O6 PLB, FIP, Ketintang Campus, Monday, 13 November 2023.< /p>
This guest lecture was attended by two experts from Kangaroo Country, namely Prof. David Evans, Ph.D., Professor Special Education, Designation Coordinator, Special and Inclusive Education; Dr. Cathy Little, Senior Lecturer, Special Education, Executive Director, Initial Teacher Education. Both are experts in inclusive education from the University of Sydney, Australia.

On that occasion, Prof David Evans highlighted society's view of inclusive education as being too narrow. What the public sees is a wrong mindset in interpreting inclusive education.
“Inclusive education is actually enjoyable education, education that gives everyone the right to obtain an education. So there is no difference," he said.
He emphasized that inclusive education applies to everyone, both men and women will have the same learning rights. Not only in public schools, inclusive education can also be applied in special schools.
"In Australia we only have one curriculum for all students. Inclusive education has access to all levels of education without discrimination," he said.< /p>
Dr. Cathy Little said that teachers and prospective teachers who focus on inclusive education have an important role in managing learning, presenting inclusive-friendly learning innovations, and providing equal participation to all students.
Apart from that, the learning program is also designed without any limitations, and can break down biased paradigms in society. "In every lesson there must be technology used, so that students can easily understand and interpret their knowledge," he said.
< p>Meanwhile, Professor at the Faculty of Education, UNESA, Prof. Dr. Budiyanto, M.Pd., said that society's views regarding inclusive education are still unstable. Often existing differences are used as barriers in fulfilling their rights to education.“Some say that inclusion is normal and abnormal. "Currently, in Indonesia, inclusive education has begun to be implemented like in Australia by providing special teachers or therapists who focus on the Disability Services Unit (ULB)," he explained.
In essence, continued Prof. Budiyanto, inclusive education in Indonesia cannot be changed immediately, but everything goes through a process. So inclusive education in Indonesia must continue to be developed from normal schools, special schools, then inclusive schools.
"All schools in Indonesia are expected to be inclusive so that in the future there will be no stigma about which schools are inclusive and which are not inclusive school. "The challenge is to convince the public and the government because understanding the concept is needed to socialize it," he explained.
The event was attended by Prof. Dr. Budiyanto, M.Pd as Coordinator of the Special Education Masters Study Program and student of the 2021-2023 class of the Special Education Study Program, FIP UNESA. []
Reporter: Chantika Toti Yuliandani
Photographer: Rendy Maulana Yaqin
Editor: @zam Alasiah*< /p>
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