The atmosphere of children's services and playrooms at UNESA.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—One form of university policy to create an inclusive campus environment and support equal access to education is to provide childcare services, playrooms and lactation rooms.
This support creates an educational environment that is inclusive, fair, and supports career development for all academic circles, especially students, female education staff and lecturers and groups with disabilities.
UNESA which succeeded in getting the top five national SDG categories; gender equality since 2022, this dream has been realized by providing supporting infrastructure and aiming to help students, educational staff and lecturers who have dual responsibilities as parents in several work units.
UNESA's Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) located in Ketintang has provided playground facilities in the campus environment. This playground is not only intended for children, but is also specifically designed to be friendly for students with disabilities, making Fisipol UNESA one of the pioneers of inclusive campuses at UNESA.
This area is also used for educational activities and social interaction. It is hoped that this activity can hone children's social skills and strengthen ties between the campus community and their families. Fisipol students and visitors responded positively to this facility. They feel supported by campus policies that pay attention to the various needs of their students.

Children's playroom at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UNESA Campus 1 Ketintang.
Adjacent to Fisipol, there is the Labschool UNESA provides educational services starting from TPA-KB-TK which are located within the UNESA Ketintang campus area. This facility is part of UNESA Labschool's commitment to supporting early childhood education while meeting the needs of lecturers, staff and students who have young children.
This facility is designed with a comfortable, safe and educational space, equipped with an attractive play area, as well as varied children's potential development activities.
The curriculum implemented at Labschool TPA, KB and Kindergarten prioritizes a play-based approach, with support from experienced educators who ensure that each child receives attention according to their stage of development. Further information can be accessed at the following link: https://labschoolUNESA.sch.id/ category/TPA-KB-TK%20LABSCHOOL%20UNESA%201.
UNESA Labschool in the Ketintang area which provides gender responsive services, other work units located on the Lidah Wetan campus also do not want to be left behind. LSP UNESA also provides space for students who face the dual challenges of education and upbringing.
LSP UNESA provides a lactation room that is designed to be comfortable and private, so that students who breastfeed feel safe and calm. Apart from that, the health room which is located in a strategic location also provides basic child health services and equipment, ensuring that the needs of young mothers and their babies are met.
According to the Chair of the UNESA LSP, Maspiyah, this facility aims to provide real support to students with special needs as young mothers. "By having a lactation and health room, we hope they can carry out their dual roles better," he said.
UNESA's policy as a gender responsive campus is also supported by the PGPAUD Study Program, Faculty of Education, which provides child care facilities on campus.
This initiative is part of PGPAUD's commitment to create a family-friendly campus environment, facilitating the needs of students and staff who double up as parents
The Dean of the UNESA Faculty of Education, Mochamad Nursalim explained that this child care facility is equipped with a safe play area, professional supervision. , as well as educational development programs designed by experts from the PGPAUD Study Program.
This child care room accepts children aged under five and is managed by trained staff, including PGPAUD lecturers and students who apply their expertise in the education of young children. early
Aside from being a safe and supportive place for children, this facility also functions as a practice platform for PGPAUD students who want to be directly involved in child care and education.
Further information on this institution can be seen on the link, https://www.instagram.com /sunshine_daycareUNESA?igsh=MTJnaDh4aGZoeTlzZQ==.
The existence of this child care facility shows the concern of the UNESA campus as an educational institution that cares about SDG 5, meaning that UNESA provides career opportunities for women without abandoning their role as mothers.
Apart from that, the existence of day care which is integrated with the breastfeeding room and initial health aid services will make UNESA campus services integrated and sustainable.[*]
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Author and photo: UNESA Ranking Team
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