Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—A number of lecturers and a special team from the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held intensive meetings and discussions to discuss the 2023 Independent Campus Competition Program (PKKM) at the Fave Hotel Sidoarjo on 11-13 December 2023.
p>This activity was opened by the Deputy Chancellor 1 for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Sc. The professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) said that this activity is very important to foster mutual enthusiasm and commitment to achieve the goals of PKKM.
This program, he continued, has an urgency to achieve the university's Main Performance Indicators (IKU). high levels and outcomes that can make the implementation of MBKM a success at UNESA. There are several impacts felt by the institution and at least this is a catalyst for curriculum transformation, forming an MBKM support system and can motivate people to get involved in the program.
"PKKM is not just an additional activity, but a concrete step towards achieving KPI, especially for IKU-8 (international standard study program; ed). This program involves lecturers and students. "This program not only improves the quality of the learning experience, but also forms character and competence in accordance with the high performance standards expected by UNESA," he said.
On this occasion, Prof. Pepen Arifin, Ph.D., professor at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) who provided various reinforcements. He explained that PKKM is an initiative designed to motivate UNESA students to explore and develop their potential.
The implementation of PKKM involves the important role of lecturers and education staff, who work together under the auspices of the vice chancellor. They are not only facilitators, but also inspirations for students. The best lecturers and competent educational staff also guide students in exploring and optimizing their potential.
PKKM is not just a competitive activity, but is also a means to prepare UNESA's aspirations. Through this intensive discussion, UNESA identified the superior potential possessed by its students. This will be a strong basis for achieving the 8 Key Performance Indicators (KI) that have been determined.
This year the 'Home of Champions' campus received 2 programs; first, in the Bachelor of Education Management study program; and second, ISS MBKM or Institutional Support System as program managerial support.
This series of PKKM activities was also presented on "Validation of MBKM Quality Assurance Guidelines" by Dr. Harmanto, S.Pd., M.Pd., as PKKM team leader. He said that not many universities had developed special quality assurance for MBKM with the hope that the implementation of MBKM for the 9 themes would be ensured in accordance with the guidelines and had been planned.[]
Reporter: Nabilla Habibah Al Cholis
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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