PRECAUTION: The East Java BNNP team checked urine samples from the Surabaya State University (UNESA) community.
unesa., SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) demonstrated its commitment to preventing and controlling drug abuse by holding a Narcotics Urine Test and Talkshow on the 1st Floor of the LPSP Building Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, on Friday, June 14 2024.
This activity was organized by SMCC in collaboration with the East Java Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP).Vice Chancellor for Law, Management, Finance, Resources and Business, Dr. Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, M.Pd., in the interview session said that this event was part of the campus' preventive efforts against drug abuse.
UNESA Deputy Chancellor II emphasized the importance of prevention efforts that target all campus residents.
UNESA is committed in preventing and controlling drug abuse, this is proven by the fact that today teaching staff or leaders at UNESA carry out or are required to carry out urine tests.
"This is actually a prevention effort, meaning that we, UNESA, support efforts that every individual must be healthy, which is proven by not abusing narcotics," he said.
Bachtiar also emphasized the importance of carrying out urine tests routinely and with more heterogeneous samples in the future.
"This needs to be done routinely and by taking more heterogeneous samples, meaning that the distribution of samples must be evenly distributed across all UNESA members of the community who have not had the opportunity today," he added.
The Chief Coordinator of P2M BNNP East Java provided reinforcement regarding steps to prevent and handle drugs in a talk show attended by students, lecturers, staff and UNESA leaders.
Chief Coordinator Prevention and Community Empowerment (P2M), Masduki, SH., MH., stated that UNESA is very committed to early detection through urine tests.
He explained that UNESA carries out the P4GN process every year, which means preventing the eradication of abuse and illicit trafficking of narcotics. The urine test is part of an effort to close or narrow the space for narcotics abuse on campus.
This activity involves several series of events. First, urine tests were carried out on 130 leaders and 30 students who were randomly selected.
Director of PPIS UNESA, SMCC team, Directorate of Public Relations and Public Information, UNESA students together with the East Java BNNP team.
Second, presentation of student products that developed module-based anti-narcotics media. Third, an anti-narcotics talk show by the Director of PPG and Masduki from the East Java BNNP. Finally, the awarding of competition prizes for narcotics educational videos.
With these various activities, we can create a campus environment that is free from narcotics abuse and protect the younger generation from the threat of drugs.
Masduki appealed to the entire UNESA academic community not to abuse narcotics and for those who have already used them, to immediately report themselves for rehabilitation in accordance with the provisions of Article 128 of Law 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.[]
Reporter: Sindy Riska Fadillah (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team Documentation
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