unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA —Kampus nicknamed 'The house of the champions' received a mandate from the government as the implementing partner of the 'People's School' in East Java. The program initiated by the government through the Ministry of Social Affairs (Ministry of Social Affairs) aims to provide access to education to children from poor families.
"We have conducted a study and prepared all their needs, both the facilities and infrastructure (Sarpras)," said the Professor of the Faculty of Sports and Health (FIKK).
Related to the readiness of Unesa, continued Cak Hasan, has been surveyed directly by the team from the center on Saturday, March 15, 2025. The people's school is planned to be centered on campus 2 of the tongue of Wetan Surabaya.
In addition to infrastructure, Unesa also ensured that all supporting needs had been prepared, including. First, the campus dormitory is needed for students or students who study in people's schools.
Second, laboratory school or laboratory. UNESA has a laboratory school from the PAUD -SMA or SMK, which is supported by the Sister School program with a network of domestic and foreign partnership, which certainly can strengthen the implementation of people's schools in Unesa.
Third, Teacher Professional Education (PPG). Professional educators produced by UNESA through PPG can be an important element in supporting the government program. This program is also strengthened by SM3T or teaching scholars in the 3T area.
Fourth, independent laboratory and the availability of competent human resources in various fields. UNESA HR is equipped with the ability to teach or educate children with special needs or disabilities. So, it is very ready to contribute to the implementation of the program.
Fifth, supporting facilities from various aspects, including Sport Science Center , disability service center, superior arts-cultural centers, to dormitories, and Pratama Unesa clinics.
"With these various readiness, Unesa is ready to match the government to carry out people's schools which will be expected to produce strong, intellectual intelligent, mental and its character graduates," said Cak Hasan.
People's Schools aim to break the poverty chain between generations. This program is designed to print agents of change from poor families, to help them achieve more prosperous lives.
"The spirit of this program needs to be appreciated, namely to break the chain of poverty through the provision of quality access to education," said the Rector who held the Indonesian Rector Forum (FRI). [Public Relations Unesa]
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