The Excitement of Mental Health Classes at the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) Surabaya State University (UNESA).
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Efforts to prevent bullying and sexual violence in higher education environments continue to be intensified by the Subdirectorate of Mitigation Crisis Center (SMCC) of Surabaya State University (UNESA). One thing that was done was holding a Mental Health Class at the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) in the 4th floor Auditorium, T14 FBS building, Campus 2, Lidah Wetan, on Thursday, November 7 2024.
This activity was attended all students of the English Literature undergraduate study program class of 2024. Coordinator of the English Literature undergraduate study program, FBS UNESA, Ali Mustofa, advised students taking this class, "Don't judge a book by its cover and we must present the best version of ourselves ," said the English Literature study lecturer.
This class was opened by Deputy Dean 1, FBS, Didik Nurhadi, who emphasized the importance of this activity to strengthen students' mental well-being. He invited students to reinterpret the meaning of life and the meaning of lectures, which are not actually a burden, but instead are a place to learn to raise the soul.
"We are a family here, so we can help and strengthen each other as much as possible," he said.
Wiryo Nuryono, Head of the Anti-Narcotics and Mental Health Section, stated that the class This mental health is an SMCC program held in all UNESA study programs, by providing learning about the dangers of bullying and sexual violence in higher education.

Mental Health Classes held by SMCC, PPIS UNESA targets all faculty, in order to strengthen students' mental well-being while preventing bullying and violence in the campus environment.
“Every week, we try "reaching all study programs by holding this mental health class, which we recently held at FEB and FBS too," he explained.
He expressed his hope to all students who attended the mental health class, that this program was intended as a forum to facilitate students to achieve.
"Therefore, we need the support of friends and lecturers to do our best," he said.
This class is packaged in the form of delivering material, such as understanding ethics presented by Retno Tri Hariastuti, as Head of Academic SMCC UNESA. The guidance and counseling lecturer emphasized and reminded the boundaries that students and lecturers, as well as students and other students, must understand.
Apart from that, there was also policy material regarding bullying and sexual violence presented by Imam Pasu Purba, as Head of Sub-Directorate for Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence.
The Imam asked one of the several students present to read and reflect on the rules so that students understand and avoid bullying and sexual violence.
Interspersed with interactive games by the SMCC committee team, this class was cheerful and educational by emphasizing the importance of student awareness about preventing bullying and sexual violence in higher education.[*]
Reporter: Dewanda Puspita (Internship)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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