Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - Many ways can be done by tertiary institutions in preserving national culture, one of which can be by holding a shadow puppet show Collaboration of Surabaya State University (Unesa), Indraprasta University PGRI (Unindra) and TVRI East Java at Graha Sawunggaling, Campus II of the Tongue Wetan, to Saturday, February 15, 2025.
This activity was attended by the Chancellor of Unesa, Nurhasan or Cak Hasan together with the Vice Chancellor and Dean and Directorate related to the Unesa Singkung. Cak Hasan said that the arts and culture of the archipelago are valuable legacy that must continue to be turned on.
"Culture is our national identity, because we must continue to strengthen cultural resilience through various collaborations to give birth to innovations and activities that enliven the stretching of arts in the community, including the younger generation and students," he said.
"Without the cooperation of various parties, events like this may not be realized. Wayang Kulit is not just a spectacle, but a cultural heritage that must be preserved and developed as part of the nation's identity," he said.
This performance took place in two sessions. The first session showed the play "Semar Mbangun Kayangan" by Ki Danesworo Rafi Ramadhan. This story raises the role of Semar that goes down to the world to restore balance after the gods in Kahyangan act arbitrarily and ignore the welfare of the earth's creatures.
Semar then build 'Kahyangan' New is more just and wise. This story teaches that wisdom and justice are more valuable than just power, making it remain relevant to date.
The second session displays the play "Wahyu Darmo" by Ki Herjuno Pramariza Fadlansyah. This story tells about the decline of Wahyu Darma, a divine gift that symbolizes wisdom and truth. In this story, the Kurawa was almost put into Candradimuka Crater by Madrasena, but was rescued by Bratasena (Bima Muda).
After that, the Pandavas gathered again and met with King Trestarastra and Receipt Bisma. In the end, the two birds that emerged in the story changed their form to Batara Guru and Batara Narada, who later bestowed Wahyu Dharma to Yudhistira.
Head of TVRI East Java, Asep Suhendar, appreciated the involvement of UNESA students in the broadcasting world, including in the puppet puppet show.
"We are greatly helped by the contribution of Unesa students who implement their knowledge. Today, ten TVRI stations broadcast this performance, with a total of 10 million people at home. We hope that the community can enjoy this, "he said.
> "We have collaborated with 16 TVRI stations and have art studios to preserve shadow puppets as non -object cultural heritage at UNESCO. We continue to encourage this effort so that our culture remains sustainable and not eroded by foreign influences that can damage the nation's identity, "He added.
As a form of real commitment in cultural preservation, this event was marked by the signing of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Unesa and Unindra in preserving arts and culture, especially shadow puppets through Various collaboration programs.
UNESA is committed to making shadow puppet shows a routine agenda that not only strengthens the nation's cultural identity, but also becomes a traditional arts development and research room. [*]
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Reporter: Gusti Putra Arafi (FBS), and Zakariya Putra Soekarno (FISIPOL)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA Public Relations Team < /P>
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