UNESA delegation in Germany
Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Chairman of BPM Dr. Widowati Budijastuti, M.Si, and team, Prof. Dr. Fida Rachmadiarti, M.Kes., (Director of TPPT), Dr. Dr. Endang Sri Wahyuni, M.Kes., (Dean of the Faculty of Medicine) and Dr. Maspiyah, M. Kes. (Director of LPSP) conducted a benchmark at TH Koln-Cologne University, Germany on June 20 2024.
There were two resource persons from TH Koln, namely Jana Gibhard Engle (Quality Assurance) and Christina Brey (Collaboration). This activity explains about internationalization, Quality Assurance and Research activities at TH Koln University which has 5 campus areas with 12 faculties, there are 2000 staff with 430 professors, the number of students is 23,500 and consists of 4000 people from international levels.
Discussion session with Jana and Christina and the AQAS team
In the explanation it is said that there is implementation of teaching, learning, research and their interrelationships as the main mission at TH Koln. The link between the transfer of ideas, knowledge and technology with social media is part of the development of transformative science. Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary methods are carried out to support social change and support user satisfaction so that they can be relevant to the needs of the development process.
In addition, the regulations carried out by QA are still based on ESG 2015 and the establishment of development plans at the university. Prioritizing the integration of strengthening professional human resources, curriculum, research and integration of research in learning which is continuously evaluated in ongoing Quality Assurance to achieve the High Education Program in 2030.
Photo with the Hceres dental team and the Unesa team
Apart from TH Koln University, they also visited the international accreditation institution HCERES in France, the following day, June 21 2024. Hceres is a very credible international accreditation institution, where they have accessed two class universities THE and WUR in ranking 24 and 43. This visit aims to get input on the curriculum that has been implemented by Unesa.[]
Author: UNESA Delegation
Photo: UNESA Delegation
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