Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Faculty of Education (FIP), Surabaya State University (UNESA) inaugurated the international class in closing PKKMB on Friday, August 25 2023. The class is spread across eight study programs with 233 students. Each class consists of 35-40 students.
"This international class is a form of our commitment to produce superior graduates with adequate scientific competence and international language. The international class has been running this week," said the Dean of FIP, Prof. . Dr. Mochamad Nursalim, M.Sc.
The individual counseling professor continued the class, which is different from regular classes which generally use Indonesian. As the name implies, international classes use a foreign language or English as the language of instruction.
"Lecturers may not use full English, but the material must be in full English, including assignments given by students in English," he added.
In order to optimize the class, in the future, his party will form an English language community as a forum for learning and strengthening English skills that new students can take advantage of during class schedules or free days.
< p>"Because you need to get used to the language, so when children are accustomed to speaking English, they are fluent, right? When they meet people who can speak English or are in class, they won't be surprised," he explained.He advised students who have been accepted into international classes to take advantage of this opportunity to really learn to improve their abilities and competencies.
"Always be humble to your peers, be wise, always greet your friends in different classes. Stay humble, friendly, and don't be arrogant when different classes. Now is the time to collaborate and complement each other," he ordered.
Meanwhile, a bilingual PGSD study program lecturer, Ricky Setiawan, S.Pd.SD., M.Ed, said that international classes provide wide-open opportunities for students.
In the international class, students get two things. First, scientific competence in the study program. Second, linguistic competence, in this case English, which can be said to be mandatory in the current era.
“Of course, there will be lots of opportunities for students later, especially being able to take part in international student exchange programs and so on. Including PLP, internships, and overseas activities," he explained.
PKKMB FIP takes place on Tuesday-Saturday, 22-25 August 2023 which consists of various series of activities. There are discussion sessions for new students with officials or
The closing of the PKKMB was held in the FIP yard which was attended by 1,500 students in the morning session and 1,500 students in the afternoon session.This activity was attended by faculty leaders, coordinators, lecturers and students.[*]< /p>
Author: FIP Team (Nelly/Fadilla/Alfina/Lala/Martha)
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: FIP Team Documentation
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