The Chancellor explained various innovations and drug prevention programs at UNESA to the Head of the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency and his staff.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Head of the National Narcotics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BNN RI) Marthinus Hukom gave a Public Lecture: Prevention and Eradication of Drug Abuse and Illegal Trafficking (P4GN) at the Auditorium, 11th floor, Rectorate, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya on Monday, October 14 2024.
In front of UNESA students, Marthinus Hukom explained that drugs are not only a threat to humans, but also threaten the sustainability of civilization. Currently there are 5.8 percent or around 296 million people in the world who are involved in drugs.
He continued, Indonesia is a target for drug marketing, this can be caused by several factors, namely demographic conditions, geography and market conditions. One of them is because there are many unofficial ports and potential interdiction areas as entry points for drugs from abroad.
“Perpetrators of drug abuse can also be called victims who are caught in drug trafficking. They are mired in a pile of problems. "We have an important role to play in helping them get out of the trap of drugs," he said.

Signing of cooperation to strengthen programs for the Prevention and Eradication of Drug Abuse and Illegal Trafficking on campuses and schools.
For misuse and drug trafficking can be suppressed, there needs to be strengthened synergy between BNN and partners including universities to maximize P4GN in society, including on campuses and schools.
“The age of college and school is a critical phase because there are many changes. This period is full of turmoil and tends to get carried away easily. "Because of that, there needs to be efforts to prevent and eradicate drug abuse or distribution," he said.
In addition to raising student awareness of the dangers of drug abuse and the importance of making other students aware so that they do not get caught up in drug abuse, this public lecture is also to strengthen the synergy between BNN and UNESA in strengthening the P4GN program.
The synergy between the two was marked by the signing of cooperation between BNN RI and UNESA, and BNNP East Java with UNESA's Directorate for Prevention and Management of Strategic Issues (PPIS). Apart from that, there was also the launch of outreach to 100 schools and outpatient rehabilitation rooms.
The Chancellor of UNESA, Nurhasan, said that this collaboration was aimed at strengthening programs to prevent and eradicate drug abuse and illicit trafficking. on campuses, schools and communities.
"This collaboration is a form of our commitment to move simultaneously from all elements of society, including the world of education. P4GN steps cannot be taken alone, there needs to be a holistic effort so that the dream of an Indonesia free from drugs can be achieved," he said.
With this collaboration, UNESA can further increase prevention efforts in the campus environment through regular community urine tests, outreach and education, as well as other creativity-based activities.
This prevention program is also carried out outside campus by involving the UNESA student activity unit which will later provide education on the dangers of drugs at UNESA partner schools in East Java.
"UNESA has a social responsibility and is committed to preventing the spread of drugs by launching an outreach program in 100 schools throughout East Java and outpatient social rehabilitation for drug abuse," stressed Cak Hasan.[]
***Reporter : Farhan Bachtiar (Fisipol) and Retno Nurus Solekhah (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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