Ten finalist villages in the national inclusive village competition received awards and appreciation from UNESA. They posed with the Head of BPSDM, Ministry of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions of the Republic of Indonesia and UNESA leadership at the awarding session in the Auditorium on the 11th floor of the Rectorate.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—A total of 10 of the best villages from various regions were finalists in the national inclusive village competition, UNESA Village Award 2024, organized by the Center for Village and Regional Development (Pusbangdesda), Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Surabaya State University (UNESA).
The villages that were finalists explained their advantages and innovations in the LPPM Room, 6th floor, Rectorate Building, Lidah Wetan Campus II, on Friday, November 29 2024. They were assessed by a team of UNESA academics and representatives of the Indonesian Ministry of Villages and Disadvantaged Regions Development.
“The villages that entered the final were the 10 best out of a total of 176 villages that took part in the UNESA Village Award event. "After we carried out a series of strict selections, today's 10 finalists presented to determine the champions," said Mufarrihul Hazin, Head of Pusbangdesda.

COMING FROM AWAY: One of the finalist teams, Tapenpah Village from East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) presented its superior programs and innovations in front of the assessment team.
There are ten villages that are among the finalists that is; 1) Tapenpah Village, North Central Timor, NTT; 2) Purwo Bakti Village, Bungo, Jambi; 3) Suwat Village, Gianyar, Bali; 4) Mojorembun Village, Blora, Central Java; 5) Doudo Village, Gresik, East Java;
Next, 6) Jenggala Village, North Lombok, NTB; 7) Parik Panjang Agam Village, West Sumatra; 8) Modomang Bolaang Mongondow Village, North Sulawesi; 9) Sumberkerang Village, Probolinggo, East Java; 10) Totallang Village, North Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi.
After going through the presentation and final selection; First place was won by Sumberkerang Village, Probolinggo, East Java with a score of 207; second place, Purwobakti Village, Bungo Regency, Jambi with a score of 191; and third place, Modomang Village, Bolaang Mongondow, North Sulawesi with a score of 184.
“The winning village received a trophy, certificate, coaching funds and an ongoing mentoring program from UNESA. We also appreciate the 10 finalists. "Hopefully this can motivate villages in Indonesia to create programs that are impactful and friendly to the community," said Muhammad Turhan Yani, Head of LPPM UNESA.
The professor at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) added that this event aims to appreciate villages that have shown their commitment to continue to innovate and improve services in creating friendly villages for all levels of society.
Vice Chancellor III for Research, Innovation, Ranking, Publication and Science Center, Bambang Sigit Widodo appreciated all the villages participating in the 2024 UNESA Village Award."Just participating is part of the commitment to grow together. Hopefully experiences, programs, innovations can inspire and motivate each other. "Let's advance Indonesia from the villages," he said.
The Head of BPSDM, Luthfiyah Nurlaela representing the Minister of Villages and Disadvantaged Regions, said that this activity could be used as a reference for UNESA for various future programs.

Head of BPSDM Ministry of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions of the Republic of Indonesia, Luthfiyah Nurlaela appreciated the competition event held by LPPM UNESA. He encouraged all participating villages to continue to innovate and make villages a locomotive for national development.
“UNESA Village Award is proof concrete how collaboration between universities, government and society can have a big impact. "I hope this continues and becomes an inspiring annual agenda for villages in Indonesia," he said.
Beny Rechardo, Head of Sumberkerang Village as the first winner, expressed his gratitude for UNESA's appreciation and support from all parties so that his village could achieve maximum results.
He added that Sumberkerang Village has a pick-up and drop-off program for children with disabilities. Also, there is a special area for children with disabilities, and distribution of seeds to residents to be planted in their yards or in their gardens.
"I dedicate this victory to the Sumberkerang community, families and villages in Probolinggo . "Future plans will embrace all sectors so that Sumberkerang residents can prosper," he said.[*]
Reporter: Retno Nurus Sholekha (Internship)
Editor: @zam*Photo: UNESA PR Team
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