Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The Faculty of Sport Sciences (FIO) of the State University of Surabaya held a hybrid period 3 graduation on Wednesday, (27-20-2021). The theme carried is 'Creating Graduates with Sportpreneurship Insights with Global Competitiveness'.
The third period judicial session was attended by the Dean of FIO, Dr. Setiyo Hartoto, M.Kes., along with the ranks of the deputy deans of FIO. In addition, the chairperson of each department and the participants were also present. Dr. Setiyo Hartoto, M.Kes., said that graduation or graduation is only a sign of the end of studies and the academic process in higher education, but not the end of learning and self-development.
Learning is a lifelong process. "One of the signs we are learning is a change in mindset, attitude and skills for the better," he said. He added that learning is not only about being smart, but also about perfecting attitudes and mentality in presenting works that are beneficial to society and the nation.
He hopes that the graduates of the third period of FIO are not only smart and skilled in their respective fields, but also become good graduates. According to him, sometimes smart people lose to poor people. To become a bejo, there are several things that can be done; obedient and obedient to parents, teachers, and older relatives, draw closer to God and always help others. "The prayers of both parents are sacred, kindness to others and our efforts are the key to a better future," he said.
FIO's Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Dwi Cahyo Kartiko, S.Pd., M.Kes., said that the graduation was attended by 230 students from 3 study programs, namely 54 students from the Physical Education, Health and Recreation study program, 69 students from the Sports Coaching Education study program and 107 students from the Sports Science study program.
Meanwhile, the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni FIO, Dr. Irrantara Subagio, M.Kes., read out the determination and awarding of the three best graduates, with the highest GPA from each study program. They are I Gusti Ananda Bayu Wibisono from the S-1 Physical Education, Health and Recreation study program with a 3.83 GPA, Yuniar Anggraini from the Sports Coaching Education S-1 study program with a 3.80 GPA, and Nadia Istri Alisia from the S-1 study program. Sports Science with a GPA of 3.77.
Representative of the FIO judiciary, I Gusti Ananda Bayu Wibisono delivered his remarks. He said that the graduation was not the end of the struggle or the end of the dream, but the beginning to realize the ideals and the beginning to seek new experiences and relationships. There are a lot of issues out there that need to be resolved. "For that, I believe that all of us FIO UNESA judiciary will be here to be a solution to these problems, and contribute to advancing the nation and also making the name of the UNESA alma mater proud wherever it is," he added.
Prof. Dr. Ali Maksum, S.Pd., M.Sc., as a FIO UNESA Lecturer on that occasion motivated the judiciary. He said that the world continues to move forward accompanied by uncertainty. "Are we ready to face the uncertainty?" he said. The challenge after graduation is to answer the question what will you become in the future?
Success in the future depends on how a person develops himself to be better. He hopes that as a lecturer, what he has gained during his 4 years in college can be further developed outside the campus. There are many opportunities that exist, not only being a teacher, but also being able to become anything, whether it's a content creator, youtuber or you can also get involved in e-sports. More songs again plunge into sportpreneur.
He advised that the judiciary must have a passion and it must be done well, work hard, think creatively and be innovative. “Challenges will be problems and can be opportunities, depending on how we see and overcome them. The key is in our minds, hearts and skills," he said. (Aida/zam*)
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