The national school was attended by dozens of students from various study programs and faculties.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—The Directorate of Prevention and Management of Strategic Issues (PPIS) of Surabaya State University (UNESA) and the Commission for the Empowerment of Women, Youth and Families (PPRK) of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of East Java held a National School at the Rectorate Building, 9th floor, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya on Friday, November 1 2024.
The agenda which was attended by 66 students from the 'House of Champions' campus was present in order to face the regional elections which gave rise to political dynamics full of hoax news, which made it easy for the generation to get carried away.
Therefore, it is important to carry out this discussion to strengthen students' insight so that they will be wiser in facing regional elections.
Lilik Hamidah from PPRK MUI East Java said that this activity aims to ensure that young people have a strong mentality. healthy and have toughness and not vulnerable.
"This activity aims to monitor and strengthen the younger generation regarding their perception of hoax news," he said.
In this forum, students are given the opportunity to share related to regional elections, democracy, sensing hoaxes, and being alert to sanctions.
Apart from that, in the context of monitoring and coaching the younger generation so that they become mentally stronger, PPIS UNESA and PPRK MUI East Java are strengthening collaboration to provide education about democracy and regional elections.
The Director of PPIS UNESA, Mutimmatul Faidah said that the signing of this PKS was a form of cooperation aimed at strengthening national insight for students and the community.
"This activity is intended to have a positive impact "The hope is that the younger generation will become more critical and intelligent and will be able to strengthen and increase political literacy in society," he said.
Faldzah, a UNESA D-4 student who was a participant, said that this activity was important to increase knowledge. and insight into nationality, democracy and politics which is currently entering the period of competition for regional head seats.
“I took part in this activity as a delegate from HMP. I was interested in the theme raised. "The topic is very relevant to the development of national insight, which is important for the younger generation in dealing with campus and national strategic issues," he said.
For him, this activity can also strengthen his critical thinking skills and increase awareness of the importance of accurate information in the digital era.
"I hope that activities like this can continue to be carried out, because they make a positive contribution in increasing the younger generation's understanding of national values," he said.[*]
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Reporter: Retno Nurus Solekhah (internship)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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