Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Indonesian Language and Literature students class 2018, Faculty of Language and Arts, UNESA will hold the 2021 Indonesian Literature Film Festival with the theme 'Sailing of a collection of short stories written in the toilet by Eka Kurniawan'. The activity, which was held virtually for two days, May 31 to June 1, 2021, was intended to fulfill the task of the Ecranization course.
On the first day, the activity was to dissect two short films adapted from a collection of short stories by Eka Kurniawan. The speaker is Dr. Ali Mustofa, M.Pd., as chairman of the Unesa Commissariat HISKI and Muhammad Fatonirrohman, M.Pd Lecturer of Indonesian Language and Literature Universitas Brawijaya.
The first film is titled 'Flowers' directed by Cheng. Ali Mustofa believes that the editor's touch in the film is quite good and only needs to increase accuracy and foresight in editing.
Meanwhile, Fatoni also discussed setting adaptations between short stories and films. According to him, obedience and obedience to the script also affect the making of the film. "Because it can bridge the expectations raised by the readers," he said.
Next, the second film with the title 'Kebelet Dating' directed by Vina Fitriya. Overall, according to Ali Mustofa, the setting of the place has not shifted, it's just that there is an ambivalence in choosing a place, such as a busy and crowded city versus a quiet suburb and far from the bustle of the city. Then there are also changes from short story narratives to film narratives, including the addition of characters, changes in schemata conventions, and additional storylines, for example at the beginning and end of the story.
Muhammad Fatoni also argues that there has been a change in the narrative, as well as the motive of the film, which was originally a romance short story that was heroic in character to romance that was populist in nature. Then the dramatic elements of this film, including the music is not neutral, the camera angle does not refer to one place and time, and the casting process.
For the second day, the 2021 Indonesian Literary Film Festival presented two speakers, namely Yusri Fajar, M.A Lecturer in the Department of English Language and Literature at Brawijaya University and Nanang Bustanul Fauzi, S.S., M.Pd Lecturer in Indonesian Literature at Brawijaya University.
On that occasion Yusri Fajar commented on several films that were adopted from short stories by Eka Kurniawan. Yusri explained that the film, which was adopted from a short story by Eka Kurniawan, had very good filmmaker creativity. Yusri added that the director had brought up the figure of 'Edi' quite well. “The strategy in the opening of the film needs to be carefully considered. For the Pig Cage film, the opening strategy has been carried out by placing the scene quite right," he said.
Nanang Bustanul Fauzi believes that Edi as the main character and the core of the story in the film is a figure who actually exists in the real life of students. Nanang added that the actor who played the role of Edi already had the qualities of a capable actor. "It doesn't need to be detailed, but it's precise and appropriate," said Nanang. (Nov/Aida)
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