For some students TOEFL is a scourge. Moreover its existence is now required by most universities in Indonesia as a prerequisite for graduation at the undergraduate master and doctoral levels. This phenomenon is the background of the new doctor of the University of Mataram (Unram) to conduct research into the causes of student failure in the TOEFL. Accuracy in discovering the problem of this phenomenon should be appreciated by the best graduate of this Doctoral degree because he is able to determine the focus of research on the causes of student TOEFL tests on gender aspects which are associated with philosophical and pragmatic philosophical factors. Based on his research he managed to find the factors that cause students to fail in answering Listening questions on the TOEFL and ranking. I managed to clarify the ranking of the causes of listening difficulties proposed by Brown and Yule (1983). The findings are original unprecedented he explained. He hopes that from this dissertation English teachers or lecturers will pay attention to differences in the characteristics of students including gender in teaching English. Treat students as individuals at least as a group not as a homogeneous collection of creatures he added. To be able to complete the study on time ie three years he must be willing to dwell on a pile of journals and books for months or even years. The bed was full of books and modems until it caught fire because of browsing that did not know the time limit he recalled. There are obstacles. At that time there was a co-promoter who resigned because of his inadequate capacity to guide me on this topic. I was panicked I had to immediately find a substitute lecturer who was willing to be a co-promoter. Alhamduliah I did not expect it apparently the Head of Unesa Postgraduate Language and Literature Education was willing to be my co-promoter he answered. In addition another thing that is no less complicated in the preparation of the dissertation is to harmonize suggestions criticisms and writing styles to the seven examiners. Coupled with the moment of the exam that really tests intellect academic attitude and scientific responsibility for the content of the dissertation. During his doctorate at Unesa the lecturer born in Raba Bima West Nusa Tenggara 1966 impressed the condition of Unesas postgraduate campus which was far better than in 2010. But from the standpoint of academic services there are still elements of staff who are impatient and less friendly in serving students. The graduate should have more customer service capabilities than bank employees because the graduate sells services he said. To be honest I am sad a genius Ferdinand de Sausure did not have the chance to write his knowledge which could be used as an original source. The book we are using now is a collection of lecture / lecture notes from his students. Learning from that case I want to contribute my little knowledge to the public through writing. No need to wait for the great new to share as the words of the Prophet convey even though lifelong vent. Who is the best student of this S-3 level? He is Dr. Arifuddin a lecturer in English Unram who has completed his studies at the Doctoral Program in Language and Literature Education (English) with a distortion entitled Inferring Implications from Short Conversations in TOEFL-like: Gender-specific and Rankings of Causes of Failure. (Daughter / Byu)